SkillTech Academy India Pro Tools First Beginners TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 04 December 2018 | 4.49 GB


This course is for students and professionals who wants to learn the software that is used worldwide for Music Production and Voice and Music Recording and Multi-Track Audio Editing. After learning the software you can produce music a pro with Pro Tools/ Pro Tools First if you have your music theory in place, a software which is immensely popular worldwide. Pro Tools First is an free DAW from AVID that has all the main features and tools of Pro Tools HD with the same workflow. Pro Tools on the other hand is a paid software which has some added functionality than Pro Tools First.Pro Tools/ Pro Tools First is a Multi-Track Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) which works on Windows and Mac platforms. With Pro Tools/ Pro Tools First you can do professional grade music arrangements and music and voice editing for all kind of professional music and audio work. Other than creating basic beats and compositions with the Virtual Instruments and doing multitrack editing of music loops with Time Line Editor, you can compose complex musical scores starting from scratch using the MIDI Editor inside Pro Tools/ Pro Tools First. In this Pro Tools/ Pro Tools First Basic course we have covered all the basic aspects of Pro Tools/ Pro Tools First where you get a detailed look at working with Workspace and Edit Tools, Audio Editing, Elastic Audio, Tempo and Automation. The following modules for Pro Tools/ Pro Tools First have been covered in this course: Systems and GUI Overview , Basic Settings , Workspace: Preview and Import , Track Organisation , Edit Tools , Audio Recording , Audio Editing , Elastic Audio , Tempo , Automation

Learn Music Production and Voice, Music Recording and Multi-Track Audio Editing using Pro Tools First

What you'll learn
Get a detailed look at working with Workspace and Edit Tools, Audio Editing, Elastic Audio, Tempo and Automation
Learn Systems and GUI Overview , Basic Settings , Work space Preview and Import
Master Edit Tools , Audio Recording , Audio Editing , Elastic Audio , Tempo , Automation


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