FREE | EXE/WiN/LiNUX | 8MB/11MB/19MB英文简介: very simple and to the poin...
2022-11-13 6 0 1 5
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FREE | 04 November 2022 | 850 MB英文简介: Surge XT is a digital synth and...
2022-11-04 8 0 1 5
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FREE | 26 October 2022 | 230 MB英文简介: Spectral warping wavetable synth...
2022-10-26 10 0 1 5
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FREE | 22 October 2022 | 149 MB英文简介: Spectral warping wavetable synth...
2022-10-22 6 0 1 5
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Team FLARE | 12 October 2022 | WiN: 296 MB | macOS: 380 MB | LiNUX: 274 MBREL...
2022-10-13 7 0 1 5
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FREE | WiN macOS LiNUX | 13/8/3 MB英文简介: Fluctus is a free 3-operator ...
2022-10-10 33 0 1 5
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Team FLARE | 9 October 2022 | WiN: 296 MB | macOS: 385 MB | LiNUX: 277 MBRELE...
2022-10-09 9 0 1 5
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Free | 10.2022 | 105 MB英文简介: The SmartPedal uses the same WaveNet mo...
2022-10-06 7 0 1 5
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FREE | 27 September 2022 | 112 MB英文简介: Free, open source, cross-plat...
2022-09-27 15 0 1 5
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FREE | 23 September 2022 | 275 MB英文简介: Spectral warping wavetable syn...
2022-09-23 8 0 1 5
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