FREE For Limited Time | 30 September 2021 | 256 MB英文简介: Versatile Amp...
2021-09-30 16 0 1 5
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ArticStorm | 29.09.2021 | 31MB | Windows, MacOS, Linux英文简介: Eos 2.0 w...
2021-09-29 58 0 1 5
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FREE | 29 September 2021 | 56.8 MB英文简介: Bespoke is a software modular...
2021-09-29 26 0 1 5
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FREE | 22 September 2021 | 110 MB英文简介: OB-Xd is based on the Oberheim...
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Team R2R | 2021.09.16 | 22.11 MB英文简介: Speedrum is an MPC style drum s...
2021-09-16 17 0 1 5
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Team R2R | 2021.09.13 | 21.74 MB英文简介: TAL-Dub-X is a remake of our po...
2021-09-13 49 0 1 5
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Team R2R | 2021.09.13 | 26.49 MB英文简介: TAL-U-NO-LX is a complete rewri...
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Team R2R | 2021.09.13 | 36.06 MB英文简介: TAL-Sampler is not just a sampl...
2021-09-13 19 0 1 5
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Team R2R | 2021.09.13 | 21.5 MB英文简介: TAL-DAC is not an ordinary bit c...
2021-09-13 24 0 1 5
Cookie 2021-09-13

Team R2R | 2021.09.13 | 28.36 MB英文简介: TAL-Mod is a virtual analog syn...
2021-09-13 12 0 1 5
Cookie 2021-09-13


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