Propellerhead Figure v1.6.iOS | 17.19 MB英文简介: Got three minutes and w...
2014-04-17 34 0 1 5
Cookie 2014-04-17

String Master v2.2.0 iOS | 42.41 MB英文简介: StringMaster is an advanced ...
2014-04-16 27 0 1 5
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Tenuto v1.5.3 iOS | 19.86 MB英文简介: Tenuto is a collection of fifteen c...
2014-04-15 35 0 1 5
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Audioforge Reverb v1.2.6 iOS | 3.89 MB英文简介: Add reverberation to your...
2014-04-15 75 0 1 5
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Scratch Pad HD Cakewalk v1.1.1 iOS | 142.05 MB英文简介: Tweak, scratch, a...
2014-04-15 36 0 1 5
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iOS | April 12 2014 | 4.23 MB英文简介: touchAble is THE controller app fo...
2014-04-12 62 0 1 5
Cookie 2014-04-12

Audiobus v2.0.2 iOS | 8.81 MB英文简介: With Audiobus, the revolutionary n...
2014-04-12 84 0 1 5
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iOS | April 12 2014 | 5.8 MB英文简介: The most advanced Cubase remote con...
2014-04-12 56 0 1 5
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Yamaha Mobile Sequencer v3.1.1 iOS | 185.17 MB英文简介: Yamaha's Mobile M...
2014-04-11 83 0 1 5
Cookie 2014-04-11

Metronome Touch v2.0.1 iOS | 7.44 MB英文简介: Metronome touch. Style of p...
2014-04-11 30 0 1 5
Cookie 2014-04-11


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