MOCHA | VST3 | 10.4 MB英文简介: KickDrum precision bassdrum synthesis | A...
2024-05-23 25 0 1 5
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MOCHA | VST3 | 17.4 MB英文简介: Additive distortion circuit made with sou...
2024-05-23 48 0 1 5
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MOCHA | VST3 | 1.4 MB英文简介: RVRB is a modern algorithmic reverb that i...
2024-05-23 49 0 1 5
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Free | Win Mac Linux | 45 MB英文简介: A lookahead compressor/limiter that...
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Team ARCADiA | X64 VST3 WiN | 9.75 MB英文简介: UBERVERB is a x64 VST3 rep...
2024-05-22 20 0 1 5
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BUBBiX | 23 May 2024 | 56 MB英文简介: The Bettermaker EQ232D is a faithfu...
2024-05-22 21 0 1 5
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P2P/Patch-V.R | 05.2024 | 596 MB英文简介: Video editing software designed...
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P2P | 05.2024 | 105 MB 英文简介: Harmony Assistant is an unbeatable soft...
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TCD | 05.2024 | 58.2 MB英文简介: Digital reverb is the sound of the 80s ...
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P2P | Win| 103 MB英文简介: Download Spotify songs, albums and playlist ea...
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