Sonible Smart Gate v1.0.0-TeamCubeadooby

TeamCubeadooby | 19 July 2023 | 29.5 MB


smart:gate features intelligent source detection that focuses on your selected target source in the signal. In comparison with conventional gates, smart:gate delivers solid results and makes parametrization incredibly fast and easy.

AI-powered gating methodology
Tedious gating is a thing of the past
Going for the signal source

Gating can be a tricky task – with smart:gate, it’s as simple as selecting a target source from a drop-down menu. Whether you’re targeting vocals, electric guitar, piano or one of many other options, the intelligent gate reliably delivers even when the target source varies in level, or a competing instrument is louder than the signal you want to keep. smart:gate’s content-aware processing unlocks its full power where conventional gate plug-ins struggle.

Hearing – and seeing – the results
Insights for faster workflows

Finally, a gate that is truly able to differentiate between a mix and the signal component contained within it. Both the target signal’s activity and the gating are visualized in detail. Together with Instant Replay, you are provided with all the insights you need to get your parametrization and tweaking done much faster – all with familiar controls and without any guesswork.

Acing any gating challenge
Intuitive Interface packed with great features

Besides its intelligent target source detection, smart:gate sports a host of features for fine-tuning, such as a three-band suppression network for weighting the gating across the frequency spectrum. The level bias enables you to increase the level-dependency of the processing – extremely handy when you want refine the response to transient target sources. And, since gating and ducking are closely related in their processing, the gate plug-in can be switched to ducking mode, offering you the same target-focused functionality. You can also use smart:gate without its content-aware AI features as a conventional gate.


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