Sonic Academy How To Make Synthwave with Bluffmunkey TUTORiAL-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 09 August 2022 | 1.24 GB


Kicking off our Synthwave Event in style, we welcome back Bluffmunkey for a new How To Make Synthwave course!

Over these eleven videos, he covers all the basics in fine detail to help create your very own track in this increasingly popular genre.

From percussive elements, including the vital gated reverb snare and the classic synth sounds involved, to structure, vocal processing techniques, and effects and transitions used - this is a course you're not going to want to miss. Look no further if you're looking to get that eighties sound that'll conjure images if neon sunsets, wire graphics and shiny fast cars.

We've also made sure this course is accessible for all abilities using just three third-party plugins - ANA 2, Kick 2, and the free TAL Chorus, so anyone can grab a free trial of Ableton along with the demos of our plugins and open the project to follow along.

You can check out this playlist by Bluffmunkey which was used for inspiration too! - Synthwave Spotify Playlist


To celebrate this event we're hosting a brand new Remix Competition where you can use your newfound skills and make your very own version of this track with some incredible and exclusive prizes up for grabs!

Find out more by clicking on the 'REMIX COMPETITION' tab above!

Throughout this event we'll chatting with you guys and answering any questions both in the comments section here and over on our dedicated forums page here!

This exclusive release was generously supplied to us by our member Cheyenne
Thank you for supporting AudioZ!


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