TEAM EAT | 01/12/02 | 407.21 MB
The music of Vir Unis penetrates to the core of the man/machine relationship. His solo releases and collaborations with revolutionary space music pioneer and producer Steve Roach have proven time and again his mastery of the medium and his dedication to blending beats and atmospheres into enormously compelling electronic biorhythms and psychedelic landscapes.The Infusion library is filled with a unique collection of morphing and shapeshifting electronica loops, electro-tribal beats, industrial noisescapes, and deep space atmospherics created by Vir Unis exclusively for Sony Creative Software. Here you will find a myriad of organic and electronic elements for inspiring and creating your own unique and original fractalized rhythms and melting soundscapes. We invite you to bend, morph, melt, chop, dice, and splice these loops inside the powerful ACID software engine to create your own brand of royalty-free, cutting edge electronica.