Sonic Underworld Omnisphere Trinitum Volume 1 For SPECTRASONiCS OMNiSPHERE 2-DISCOVER

DISCOVER | February/21Th/2018 | 38.9MB


Omnisphere "Trinitum" Vol 1 offers 400 patches and 50 multis, all with added modwheel control over multiple parameters. The focus is on modern cinematic organic sounds inspired by composers such as Thomas Newman, John Murphy, Jon Hopkins, Clint Mansell, Anthony Gonzalez & John Trapanese (M83) and Cliff Martinez.

This sound set offers a massive 400 patches and 50 multis, all with added modwheel control over multiple parameters. The multis are an excellent way to experience what this set is capable of. They are multi layered and very musical.

Omnisphere “Trinitum" Vol 1 offers a a staggering amount of choices. Lush and evocative pads, ambient textures, animated melodic arpeggios & bass arpeggios, organic & electronic drum loops, percussion, hits & fx’s, inspiring hybrid synths, synth basses & synth choirs, organic instruments such as keyboards and guitars, bowed instruments, bells and last but not least, evolving soundscapes.

These sounds are perfect for your next film score or tv project.

"I’ve been loving these sounds. Wonderfully inspiring work. The textures especially are just beautiful. I find myself just getting lost in them on a regular basis."
- Rhian Sheehan (Award-winning music producer and screen composer from New Zealand (Top Gear (UK), the hit HBO series Silicon Valley, BBC Horizon, National Geographic Channel)

Omnisphere “ Trinitum" Vol.1 comes with the following categories. They make it easy to locate sounds quickly.

......:::::: Product Specifications ::::::......
? Format: Synthesizer VSTi Presets
? 400 + 50 Multis Presets For (Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2)
? 100 x ARP +BPM
? 017 x Bells and Vibes
? 009 x Bowed Colors
? 014 x Distortion
? 014 x Electro Percussive
? 011 x Guitars
? 015 x Hits And Bits
? 006 x Human Voices
? 010 x Hybrid Instruments
? 018 x Keyboards
? 010 x Noisescapes
? 051 x Pads + Strings
? 032 x Percussive Organic
? 029 x Synth Bass
? 001 x Synth Mono
? 019 x Synth Poly
? 028 x Textures Playable
? 016 x Textures Soundscape
? Requirements: Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2 v2.2.0g+ or higher.

......:::::: PRODUCT DEMO/PREViEW ::::::......


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