SonicCouture EP73 Deconstructed KONTAKT DVD9

Team: KRock | Date: August 20 2012 | Size: 7.85 GB



The insides of a vintage Stage 73 electric piano are a fascinating place. The classic keyboard sound is just the begining - the large electromagnetic harp holds entirely new sonic worlds - if you're prepared to look for them.

Taking our cue from Broken Wurli and our Xtended Piano instruments, we first sampled the keyboard in unprecedented detail, taking not only line-out samples but also close-miked hammers and a contact mic signal from each tine.

Then we went even deeper. We opened the EP lid up some more, exposed the harp and started to explore...

SonicCouture EP73 Deconstructed KONTAKT DVD9 screenshot


- 5 unique Kontakt instruments
- 120 sound design presets
- Kontakt Player Compatible

EP73 | Keyboard
The most detailed vintage Stage 73 instrument available. In addition to traditional line-out samples, the hammers were recorded with a microphone, and can be blended with the main output. This is a traditional electric piano recording technique that adds some extra attack and presence to the sound. A contact mic channel was also recorded, this adds a different attack transient and texture to the overall sound.

Control over key-off noise, pedal noise and sympathetic cabinet resonance using Kontakt's convolution processor add to the very physical, 3-D realism of this instrument's sound.

SonicCouture EP73 Deconstructed KONTAKT DVD9 screenshot

Main Features:

- 3 channels - line out, microphone, contact mic
- 14 velocity layers, 3 round robin samples per channel
- Key-off, pedal noise & sympathetic cabinet resonance control
- User editable velocity response curve

EP73 | Bowed
Bowing an electric piano is a little bit more difficult than bowing a real piano since the tines are so short and stiff. It's difficult to get enough friction to keep them resonating, so we had to make longer and thicker bows than we used on the grand piano (see Xtended Piano). Once we got this working, however, it gave us a really nice, slightly spooky, sustained sample.

The bow noise element is provided on a seperate channel to the tine note for extra control. The alternate round-robin layers can be stacked and detuned using the edit controls under the main channel level knob. A KSP Glissando script creates constantly rising or falling pitch envelopes.

SonicCouture EP73 Deconstructed KONTAKT DVD9 screenshot

Main Features:

- 2 channels - Seperate bow noise and tine note
- 3 alternate round robin bowed layers - detunable
- KSP glissando module

EP73 | Plucked
As with other 'extended' instrument techniques, plucking the tines with a nylon guitar pick was the next 'obvious' technique, and this gave a really nice gentle sound, a bit like a metal harpsichord.

Soniccouture's KSP Strummer module is included and can be used to created huge harp-like glissando washes across the key range. The round-robin layers can also be layered together and detuned, as with the Bowed instrument.

SonicCouture EP73 Deconstructed KONTAKT DVD9 screenshot

Main Features:

- 4 velocity layers
- 3 round robin layers, detunable
- Pluck latency control
- KSP Strummer module

EP73 | Mallets
This instrument was made using a tiny steel jeweller's hammer. We hit three different places on the harp tuning fork to get an interesting range of metallic, ringing sounds : the tine itself, the tonebar, and the assembly (the base of the assembly bracket).

These sounds work very well as an 'alternative' EP sound by themselves - they are also excellent when layer with bowed or keyboard sounds as an extra bell-like layer.

SonicCouture EP73 Deconstructed KONTAKT DVD9 screenshot

Main Features:

- 3 channels - Tine, Assembly and Tonebar
- 3 round robin layers

EP73 | SFX
The SFX instrument is a bit different from the other instruments in this collection. It consists of 127 different special effects, a different one on each MIDI key, made by hitting, rubbing, and just generally abusing the instrument in some way or another.

The instrument features Soniccouture's FOCUS mode : a unique KSP module that allows the user to map any single sound across the entire keyboard with one click.

SonicCouture EP73 Deconstructed KONTAKT DVD9 screenshot

Main Features:

- 127 different SFX sounds on one keyboard
- FOCUS mode maps any sound to full keyrange with one click
- Sample start offset & individual sample tuning functions


- 15 GB sample library - 8GB on disc with Kontakt NCW compression
- 24 Bit 44.1khz mono sampling
- 13,700 samples
- 5 individual Kontakt instruments - Keyboard, Bowed, Mallets, Plucked & SFX
- Up to 12 velocity layers, 3 round robin layers
- Key-off & pedal release with level control
- Sympathetic cabinet resonance convoltuion processor
- 5 individual Kontakt instruments - Keyboard, Bowed, Mallets, Plucked & SFX
- 120 Presets - electric piano and sound design categories
- Demo MIDI files included
- Soniccouture KSP modules : Strummer, FOCUS, Glissando
- User editable velocity response curve
- Custom effects panel with Soniccouture impulse repsonse reverb library
- Compatible with free Kontakt Player - VST AU RTAS


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