Sound Aesthetics Sampling Mountains V3 KONTAKT-SYNTHiC4TE

SYNTHiC4TE | Dec 10 2017 | 191 MB


This library contains lush and warm pads and textures. It is small in size but definitely big in sound. The update now includes a whole palette of new
sounds that range from cinematic piano sounds over beautiful harp sounds to rich atmospheres. Furthermore are you now able to further shape the raw sounds
by taking advantage of the improved modulation possibilities and the extended fx rack.

As with all kontakt libraries please make sure you have the correct version of kontakt. In this case you must have the full version of kontakt v5.5.2 or above.

Have fun with this update

The new interface gives you now full ADSR control and has a master section where you can set Stereo width, Filter (LP) cutoff, Output gain and Panorama position. Each of the three patches has also some individual controls like a con sordino button for the strings or tape saturation settings for the pads.

Really go crazy with the new modulation engine for mountains. Create smooth filter and pan sweeps or crazy rhythms using one of the five available sequencers along with the four LFOs. The Sequencers can modulate distortion, filter, volume, pan and mod fx. All of them are time independent, so you can set the tempo for each of the five individually. In addition to that do you get four LFOs, which can control volume, pan, pitch and stereo width. They can be synched to your host as well.
The snapshots include an INIT and and INIT (Smooth) snapshot. Use the INIT (Smooth) snapshot if you really want to draw smooth filter or volume curves. Otherwise just use the regular one.


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