Sound Doctrine The Sunshine Singers WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 20 December 2023 | 481.77 MB


The Clark Sisters are a legendary gospel group formed in the 70’s that has pioneered contemporary gospel music and helped pave the way for gospel’s crossover success on mainstream charts, specifically with their hit “You Brought the Sunshine.” Their mother Dr. Mattie Moss Clark, was a legendary choir director and musician in the “Church of God in Christ” denomination where the group’s roots can be traced back to Detroit Michigan.

The group consists of Jacky, Dorinda, “Twinkie” and Karen currently, but they all have gone on to have highly decorated award winning solo careers as well. Going through their discography you can hear tight heartfelt harmonies, strong lead performances and trend setting “call and response” singing that has been iconically their signature. “Twinkie” Clark is credited with many of the arrangements, playing organ while singing and playing synth bass for live performances.

The Clark Sisters are the highest selling female gospel group of all time for a reason and with that they also are one of the most sampled groups as well. Tracks like Jay Z’s “Family Feud” sample their hit song “Hey Ya,” and Beyonce’s “Church Girl” samples “Center of Thy Will.” Among countless other samples the Clark Sisters have inspired a generation of singers and artists. The Sunshine Singers is a sample pack inspired by this rich influential legacy that lives on in the music we make and listen to.

On this pack we feature acclaimed producer and musician Troy Chambers as well as bgv group “Vocal Symmetry,” to give producers classic gospel sounds inspired by the Clark Sisters. This release consists of 15 loops of soulful vocal melodies and harmonies accompanied by a full band; we are sure you can find all the inspiration you need for any project with these loops!?

93 Samples


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