Soundbox Afro House WAV REX-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 27 February 2022 | 206 MB


Afro House is packed with 477MB of the finest loops and samples to appease all music producers with a serious production appetite for that cutting edge house sound.

Crafted by our experienced in-house production team giving you everything you need to make those club-smashers, terrace teasers and beach bumpers with that Afro House flavour that keeps the crowd jumping!

Afro House is packed with 477MB of the finest loops and samples to appease all music producers with a serious production appetite for that cutting edge house sound.

Crafted by our experienced in-house production team giving you everything you need to make those club-smashers, terrace teasers and beach bumpers with that Afro House flavour that keeps the crowd jumping!

Sub-pumping bass-lines, deep & chugging drums, hook-loaded leads, speaker-jacking hi's and insane FX are just part of what is available in this professionally produced selection of hi-quality 24bit WAV loops and samples.

Use these incredible sounds straight out of the box or get deep into your own sound using the REX files for total sound manipulation. With 210 key labelled loops all tempo sync’d at 120bpm and 180 Rex files you will have an insane addition to your studio weapons.

Fans of Moblack, Whitesquare, Crosstown Rebels, Kittball, Solide and Dennis Ferrer will find this collection invaluable for their next killer release!

?24 Bit High Quality Wav Files
?20 Bass Loops
?20 Top Loops
?20 Lead Loops
?20 Kick Loops
?20 Clap Loops
?20 Music Loops
?20 Vox Fx Loops
?10 Fx Loops
?20 Full Drum Loops
?20 Hat Loops
?20 Percussion Loops
?80 Single Drum Hits
?210 Loops Total
?180 Rex Files


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