11.10.2018 | x64 x86 VST AU WiN MAC | 22 MB
Features Robin Schmidt’s TriSaw morphable oscillator which can be morphed (not crossfaded!) into tri, saw, square, sine, anti-sine, and everything inbetween, giving tones that range from chiptune squares to warm analog saws.
The plugin can be run at audio rate for a quirky sound generator or locked to a tempo to generate inspiring melodic and rhythmic phrases based on a seed-based random sample-and-hold.
At the start the goal was create an arpeggiator that could be used and abused, ran at audio rate for sonic madness or offer musical and rhythmic inspiration to get a musical piece started quickly.
For the note selector I experimented with two chaotically interacting oscillators which offered interesting mayhem at audio rate, but resulting melodies were either boring or too random. Also, it did not offer repeatable patterns with certain settings due to the digital nature of feedback computation (a problem to be solved in the future). Next I experimented with dual lorenz attractors, mixing the output for the note selector. This offered much better and repeatable melody lines but the number of controls were too much, and certain settings produced no output. I then moved to S&H noise which was simple, only requiring a seed knob. It offers random but repeatable results. Providing a variety note selector algorithms would be the best choice moving forward.
After experimenting with different note selection algorithms I realized that there was a lack of rhythmic variation. I remembered a long time ago one could create interesting rhythmic patterns by modulating clock dividers, but I couldn't remember the details. I looked at euclidian algorithms, clock modulating algorithms, and harmonic beat algorithms (setting beats to occur 1 2 3 4... speed of the base tempo). All were interesting but not quite what I wanted to offer. I then thought of a new brilliant idea. Have a number of clock dividers set to various intervals and crossfade between them randomly. This allowed for the most musical variation out of all the algorithms. Ghost clicks takes the step further by crossfading another clock simultaneously. Mix the results and trigger something. It would be interesting to combine all these ideas into one: modulatable-euclidian-crossfading-harmonic-beating clock divider! Yes, more experimentation is needed.
Rhythm and Pitch Generator features
Use the MASTER RATE knob to increase the arpeggiator to insane speeds or slow it down for dying-battery fx. There is an option to have the rate also control pitch for this very effect!
Set clock dividers to various desired beat patterns and let RaPG arrange them into a series of rhythms.
Manually select notes in time using the OCTAVE OFFSET knob allowing you to perform your arpeggio.
官网: https://www.soundemote.com/labs#rapg