SoundSpot Ravage Lite v1.0.1 WiN - SoMEOne

WIN | 10th Nov 2K18 | 26.28 MB


SoundSpot says Ravage Lite is perfect for when you just need a touch of extra warmth and sparkle to the sound. Also, the plugin is simple, intuitive and CPU friendly. The difference between the lite and full forthcoming versions it just one flavour of distortion versus 6. But note the single distortion style found in Ravage Lite is a combination of the 6 distortions found in the big brother. The Ravage Lite also includes up to 16x oversampling.

When you’re striving to get that big & full sound like you hear on commercial releases, often the key ingredient in the mix is distortion.

Distortion adds additional harmonics to a signal, which increases the perceived volume. By increasing the perceived volume, your are able to reduce the peak levels in your mix which translates into more headroom for better masters.

Ravage Lite is a scaled back version of our forthcoming Ravage Creative Distortion plugin, which is perfect for when you just need a touch of extra warmth and sparkle in a highly CPU friendly way.

The Ravage Lite has just one flavour of distortion which is a combination of the 6 distortion styles found in it's big brother. The Ravage Lite also includes up to 16x oversampling.

This is a Pre-Registered release.
No need to waste your time signing up and registering the plug-in.
Just Install :)
This release is mainly focused on people those who need to install it on Offline PCs.
And those who don't like to spend time, signing up for an account and registering a plug-in.


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