Spacial Audio SAM Cast Pro 2014.7 Build 54707

P2P Jan 25 2015 | 8,96 MB


The #1 Live Streaming Solution - Start streaming live content with SAM Cast. All in one solution for your live streaming needs. Advanced sound processing guarantees great sound. Immediately connect with your audience. SAM Cast 2014 is the #1 choice for live streaming.

Sound Professional
Add digital signal processing (DSP) plugins to your audio, use the advanced audio processing features in SAM Cast and make sure your station sounds great!

Stream in multiple formats
From a single interface set up SpacialNet,, aacPlusv2, MP3, mp3PRO, Ogg or Windows Media encoders! Encode in multiple formats & at multiple bitrates at the SAME time!

Increased Exposure
Increase your listeners by enhancing your station’s exposure and listing your station on AudioRealm for free.

Stream live!
Capture it on your sound card, microphone or line-in and stream it to your listeners, all in real-time. SAM Cast lets you immediately connect with your audience.

Meta Data
Load metadata onto your streams to display song titles, artists and duration to your listeners.

Listener Statistics and reporting
See in real-time how your audience is growing. Access data logs for performance reporting and other useful reports on your station playback history.

SAM Cast 2014 is your complete live streaming solution
- SAM Cast features a built-in advanced audio processor which will make your station sound incredible!
- Easy 1-click operation. VU meter allows you to check audio levels and a log to show you everything that is happening in real-time.
- From a single interface set up SpacialNet,, aacPlusv2, MP3, mp3PRO, Ogg or Windows Media encoders.
- Get real-time listenership statistics. Instantly see if your listeners like what you are playing or not.
- Capture it on your sound card, microphone or line-in and stream it to your listeners, all in real-time. SAM Cast lets you immediately connect with your audience


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