Steinberg Nuendo v8 x64 WiN TEAM DC RC3-AUDiOZ

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23.01.2020 | WiN | 490 MB


[b]Nuendo 10 is the premium audio production solution for game audio design, TV/film post-production and VR authoring professionals. Its high-end features range from import and matching of field recorder audio files, via an array of exceptional creative tools for sound designers, through to groundbreaking, seamless support for VR mixing environments.

Field Recorder Audio Import
Long requested by Nuendo users in post-production studios, we have listened to your requests and are pleased to include Field Recorder Audio Import in Nuendo 10. This powerful new feature allows you to search for Field Recorder audio files matching selected events in the project by choosing a set of predefined search criteria - a process which can otherwise take weeks of manual work. A list of files with attributes or metadata similar to the selected project events will be displayed, with options to check the search result and preview the files. After confirmation, the chosen audio files will be inserted into the project and edited to match the originally selected events.

ADM import
With the rapidly increasing number of Dolby Atmos installations, the demand for Dolby Atmos mixes is rising fast. ADM files – such as those exported from the RMU or Dolby Atmos Production Suite Renderer software – can be imported into a new or existing Nuendo project with the object automation intact for further mixing or editing. Bed and object audio channels. pan automation, programs and content structure are all supported, with audio from ADM extracted to split mono files in the Nuendo project. Folder tracks are created to represent the ADM Program/Content structure, while object tracks are assigned to VST MultiPanner with Pan Automation.

Video Cut Detection
Another huge time-saver is the new Video Cut Detection (VCD) that allows you to analyze video files for edits and to insert markers for each one of those cuts. You can analyze complete video events or a selected range of a video event, while adjusting the sensitivity of the cut detection process. Once detected, you can insert markers either on the existing (active) marker track or by creating a new marker track. There are further options for marker settings as well as key commands to open the VCD panel, start the analysis and insert Markers helping to make it a fast and intuitive process.

Video Rendering
Nuendo 10.2 introduces the long-awaited Video Rendering feature, which allows you to export a video file from your project, including audio. Thanks to this new feature you can now share sections of your current project at its latest stage, or even finished videos, with clients or other users for review and/or feedback. The current implementation is limited to MP4 files with H.264 video compression and stereo audio in 48 kHz/16 bit with AAC audio compression (not supported on Windows 7).

dearVR Spatial Connect support
Nuendo 10 now supports dearVR Spatial Connect, an immersive 3D audio production tool developed by Dear Reality. dearVR Spatial Connect allows any sound designer, musician or sound engineer to create and mix immersive 3D audio content directly in VR. Featuring a revolutionary, gesture-controlled workflow, it eliminates the need to switch back and forth between Nuendo and your VR production environment.

Doppler effect plug-in
The Doppler plug-in is a fast, straightforward way to simulate the perception of movement and distance of a sound and the changes in pitch as its source passes you, rising as it approaches and falling as it moves away. The higher the speed of the object, the stronger the Doppler effect.
Best used as a Direct Offline Process, you can set the Start, Listener and End positions and the Doppler plug-in will render the effect to the chosen audio. It can also be used as an insert plug-in.

The VoiceDesigner plug-in is the perfect tool for sound designers to modify voices, with parameters including Detune, Formant, Preserve (allowing pitch shifting with formant preservation), Robot, Morph and FX. Morph is a particularly powerful effect which lets you process the input sound with the characteristics of another signal to create unique, bespoke vocal effects. VoiceDesigner also features a mixer, which allows you to set different levels and frequency ranges when mixing the dry input, side-chain and wet signal.

New Distroyer processor
The asymmetric distortion of Distroyer adds body, character and harmonics to create everything from gentle analog warmth across a whole mix to hot distortion for kick drums.

Cue Sheet export
Nuendo 10.1 introduces this new feature which enables you to extract information or data from a project and save it as text file, usually in the form of a table or spreadsheet. By using Cue Sheet Export, you can create a report of all the pieces of music or voiceover clips used in the project, for accounting or as a reference when integrating them into other systems.

ARA support
Nuendo 10 supports the ARA 2 specification for extended communication between ARA plug-ins and the DAW. ARA-compatible plug-ins are integrated in the Editor, which gives you access to all editing functions of the corresponding plug-in.

Workflow improvements
Time is always precious in the professional audio business, so Nuendo 10 includes many time-saving features and workflow enhancements to help you create content as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Steinberg Steinberg.Nuendo.8 -TEAM DC-RC3





This project has bought together a Collaboration of many teams and individuals
that you have come to know past and present you may not like a team or
even have a dislike and individual from a team but again we dont care what you think.
also to the guys who are reading this looking for punctuation mistakes yes we have seen you comment

Understand this ...we dont care about punctuation or spelling mistakes...

what we do want from you as individuals and as an audio community is to have resepect for each others opinions
and treat each other with kindness, to help each other grow with your passions to create music.

This release goes out to Gouda Team AiR fly high brother you have never been forgotten.

Respects to TEAM V.R
Respects to R2R
Respects to Zaka1
Respects to Mono
Respects to Team DC-RC3 Crew for many long hours
of bringing this to fruition


Araservice - working
Video tracking - working
Asio Guard - Working
Delay compensation - Working
Vari Audio 3 - Working
Chord Pads - Working
Expression Mapping - Working
Audio Align - Working
Render in Place is single track only, Dont complain we dont care.

AAFFilter - included
MXFHandler- included
OMF- included

Enjoy the Release - Sprinkled with a Little pixie Dust!!!


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