Stingray Instruments Majesty SE for Omnisphere 2

Presets | 121Mb


120 cinematic guitar sounds based upon not only a Majesty, but also an Ibanez JEM 7V. The king

This is the Sonic Extension Edition which requires beside Omnisphere 2, the Undercurrent and Nylon Sky Sonic Extension – if you do not have these, please check out the regular Majesty soundset.

Here at Stingray Towers, we actively encourage rocking out during our world famous board meetings. We find it helps us decide what direction to go in!

After a 37 minute rendition of “Don’t Fear The Reaper”, we noticed one of our guitars didn’t want to stop. It played itself like a magical force, relentless yet beautiful. Like a calling from the Omnisphere gods it gave us a spiffing idea.

That guitar was an Ernie Ball Majesty, so we created this soundpack, Majesty.

120 cinematic guitar sounds based upon not only a Majesty, but also an Ibanez JEM 7V. The king and queen of electric guitars, housed in the brilliance of Omnisphere 2. Sample sessions featured a vintage Marshall JCM2000 and all the craziness that Mooer can conjure.

These sounds are perfect for cinematic scores, crime, drama and anywhere your imagination takes you! Be it a pulse, pad, playable or noisy guitar, delight in the power of the electric six string!

The Sonic Extension edition featuring a further 120 patches using the Undercurrent and Nylon Sky effects and samples. That is 240 patches of guitary goodness in total. If you need guitars, we got guitars! Lots of delicious guitars!

Requirements: Omnisphere 2.8.3 + Sonic Extensions Undercurrent and Nylon Sky

Thanks to supplier who wishes to remain anonymous


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