Studio Wormbone Cybernetic WAV AiFF

WAV AiFF | 722.81 MB


Calculated to give depth and authenticity to mechanical lifeforms of all shapes and sizes, the 'Cybernetic' collection of futuristic sound effects from Studio Wormbone is a synthetic force to be reckoned with.

Ideal for injecting advanced sophistication into your next Cinematic Sci Fi release or creating exaggeratedly hideous Robostep music, these sounds ride the razor-thin edge of modern original sound design.

This is a tightly-sorted arrangement of world class FX, meticulously crafted to the demanding specifications of tomorrow's (artificially engineered) requirements. It belongs in the tool kit of production professionals, from game developers to post-producers, to visionary artists alike.

Product Contents:

? Over 1 GB in mass, there are a total of 290 files grouped for fast access.
? 10 Robo Backgrounds, long textural soundscapes
? 10 Robo Awakenings, machines powering on and coming to life
? 20 Robo Communications, non-human speech
? 20 Robo Emotions and Character layers, expressive droid feelings
? 20 Robo Grappling, hand-to-hand fighting
? 40 Robo Impacts, powerfully transient and deep percusive attacks
? 50 Robo Mechanizations & Transformations, xenophobic machine motion
? 30 Robo Metallix, metal skin abuse
? 10 Robo Monsters, creatures of alien construct
? 20 Robo Engines and Propulsion, transport
? 10 Robo Shut downs, end of line
? 30 Robo Technology and Signals, creations of extra terrestrial origin
? 20 Robo Weaponry, electrified combat


Extensive use of exotic hardware and software went into the development of this product. Each of these sounds is calibrated with precision to make your next project inventive, far-sighted, and mind-blisteringly innovative.


Files are provided in WAV and AIFF in 24-Bit/44.1kHz resolution, and are of course Royalty-Free. Most of these files are atonal, so they'll musically fit into your compositions regardless of key, and the key for any tonal files are listed in the file name where appropriate.

Every sample has been professionally recorded, edited, sliced, and mastered with the utmost care and is usable with every major audio software program (Pro Tools, Logic, Cubase, Sonar, FL Studio, Sony Acid, Garageband, Ableton Live, Reason). All sounds are compatible cross-platform with either Mac or PC.

About The Creator:

Studio Wormbone is a compact and efficient state-of-the-art recording and production facility located in a quiet forest setting just outside the Emerald City of Seattle Washington, USA. Owned and managed by sound designer/producer Trevor Dutton, its resources specialise in all aspects of electronic music and cutting-edge audio production.


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