Synapse Audio The Legend v1.3.0.5 Incl Keygen-R2R

Team R2R | Jan 01 2020 | 56 MB


Developed in cooperation with vintage synth specialist Bigtone Studios, The Legend is designed to faithfully emulate one of the most famous vintage analog synths. Moreover, numerous innovative enhancements greatly increase its versatility.
Unprecedented precision

The most significant additions are the Unison and Polyphonic modes, allowing for thick stereo sounds, as well as enabling polyphonic play. Built around a vectorized core, The Legend is capable of synthesizing four voices for the cost of little more than a single voice, making it a highly efficient analog-modeling synthesizer plug-in.

The back panel of The Legend allows to switch between two revisions modeled, Early and Late. Moreover, extra options allow to fine-tune the analog simulation and account for part tolerances typically found in hardware. The key parameter ranges can be adjusted as well as tuning, drift or saturation.

Another bonus feature of The Legend is its on-board effects, comprising a high-quality delay and reverb unit. Both effects are tailored to the synthesizer, and offer just the right sound with only a few parameters each.

The Legend comes with 480 patches crafted by leading sound designers and sorted into categories like Bass, Lead, SFX, etc.

The Legend features summary

- Accurate circuit simulation
- Two Revisions modeled, Early and Late
- 8x Oversampled engine
- Vectorized core with Unison, Mono and four-voice Polyphony modes
- 480 patches included
- Available as VST, Audio Unit and Rack Extension


* The one by VR is v1.3.0.4 and has issue.
* Our release include both AVX version and SSE2 version.
Our installer checks the CPU and install the best version to the computer.
* Full keygened, this works on legit ProTools!

Every rencet Synapse Audio product has different protection and you need to
disassemble them one by one. No problem, we did it :)

SYNAPSE-VM : Virtual Machine which runs custom byte code. To make keygen,
you need to understand how the VM works and need to decompile the byte codes.
This is implemented in DUNE2, DUNE3, TheLegend. This VM is used for content
decryption. Without running VM correctly, app does not work correctly. (For
your interests : VR bypassed this VM and put pre-decrypted content generated
by legit serial number). We coded SYNAPSE-VM emulation and code decryption
support tools to make valid kegen!

C&R : Contains important value for DUNE3 (preset handling) and for TheLegend
(required content decryption). For TheLegend, WiN/OSX needs different values:
WiN value crashes on OSX. (VR bypassed C&R and put pre-decrypted content.
the way they used in TheLegend would crash by memory management).

OBFUSCATiON : Their activator is obfuscated by ther commercial protector. It
makes harder to make the true keygen. Anyway, not for R2R.

BOMBs : People who tries to bypass serial or C&R protection, it bombs. This
is placed to many sections in the apps



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