Synthogy American D Concert Grand Piano for MONTAGE, Motif XF and MOXF X3A

X3A | 517.72 MB


The American Grand for MONTAGE leverages the highly improved sample data, FM engine, and SuperKnob functionality of MONTAGE to create a more inspiring and interactive musical experience.

The Synthogy American Grand for Yamaha MONTAGE, Motif XF and MOXF features over 610 MB of samples of an American "D" Concert Grand Piano. Using the same source recordings as their acclaimed Ivory II virtual instrument, the American Grand delivers the same stunning audio quality and playability that Synthogy virtual pianos are known for around the world. Each note is represented in 8 velocity levels for a full range of dynamic expression. Custom Motif performances are expertly crafted to voice the instrument in a variety of musical and creative settings.

For Motif:
Before you load this product, make sure you have saved any data on your instrument that you may want to keep. Make sure you have enough available Flash Memory in the MOXF to accommodate 612 MB of samples (This will require the installation of a 1 GB Flash Board - FL1024M Flash Memory Expansion Module).

PLEASE NOTE: It may take up to 45 minutes for this pack to load into your instrument.

Although you can save your data in a variety of formats onto a USB storage device, it is recommended that you save an ALL file. Consult the enclosed pack list and your owner's manual for more details on saving your data.


This product requires a compatible Yamaha synthesizer such as the Motif and/or MOXF and may require additional flash memory. Please select your specific instrument in the Instrument Compatibility section to determine if this product is compatible.


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