15 DECEMBER 2015 | FREE | WIN | MAC | 20 MB
NOVA is a parallel dynamic equalizer. Appearing in the familiar layout of a parametric equalizer, each band also includes a full featured dynamics section allowing the processor to cover an impressively wide range of applications. Be it a master lacking density, the drum bus asking for more crispiness, or a sibilance problem in your perfect take: NOVA has an elegant answer.
A user friendly WYSIWYG drag and drop display paired with a classic “knob” interface gives quick and smooth access to the various parameters driving NOVA’s powerful processing capabilities. With its four dynamic EQ bands and additional high-pass and low-pass filter sections, NOVA can meet the most exotic demand. Intuitive equal loudness functions help finding the optimal setting without getting distracted by loudness differences.
In practice, the processor covers a whole bucket of tasks:
Parametric equalization
Dynamic equalization
Frequency selective compression/expansion
Multi-band compression/expansion
Wideband compression
Of course NOVA features all helpers and workflow enhancements you’ve come to expect in a TDR plugin: A preset manager, undo/redo, A/B, detailed documentation, copy & paste, and much more.
1.0.7 Maintenance update
# Added new 72dB/oct HP filter mode for (HP and LP)
# Added "Save As Default Preset" function.
# Create HP and LP bands via double click outside the audible band (dashed lines in display)
# Better indication of SOLO state (band on/off buttons grey out accordingly)
# UI Performance improved
# Added experimental openGL renderer (see settings dialog)
# Fixed a structural issue related to LP filtering
# Minor fixes and improvements1.0.6 Maintenance update
# UI Performance improved
# Deactivation of band groups now possible (via the ON buttons)
# Dragging band group in the analyzer while in band solo mode now possible
# Fixed bug where the ratio knob appeared twice
# Fixed minor graphical issues
# Fixed bug related to Q and ORDER BY FREQ
# RELEASE range increased (down to 10ms)
# Mousewheel in SOLO mode corrected
官网: http://www.tokyodawn.net/tdr-nova/