FLAC | Samples Movie Effects, Special Effects | Size: 77.27 | TEAM DJYOPMiX
Artist: The Hollywood Edge Sound Effects Library
Title : The Foley Sound Library
Label: Hot Ideas
TEAM DjYOPMiXFormat: Digital [FLAC]
Total Length: 34:32
Genres: Sound Effects
001 Coin Drop and Spin on Metal Surface Take 1 00:08
002 Coin Drop and Spin on Metal Surface Take 2 00:09
003 Metal Tokens Jingle in Hand and Are Placed Down on Table Take 1 00:11
004 Metal Tokens Jingle in Hand and Are Placed Down on Table Take 2 00:10
005 Metal Tokens Jingle in Hand and Are Placed Down on Table Take 3 00:10
006 Metal Tokens Jingle in Hand and Are Placed Down on Table Take 4 00:09
007 Coins Jingle in Hand Take 1 00:10
008 Coins Jingle in Hand Take 2 00:09
009 Light Coin Movement with Hand Jingles Take 1 00:10
010 Light Coin Movement with Hand Jingles Take 2 00:09
011 Coins Jingle in Cloth Pocket Take 1 00:14
012 Coins Jingle in Cloth Pocket Take 2 00:10
013 Coins Dropping to Floor Take 1 00:09
014 Coins Dropping to Floor Take 2 00:08
015 Coin Dropped Quickly Through Slot 00:06
016 Light Distant Coin Jingles Take 1 00:15
017 Light Distant Coin Jingles Take 2 00:12
018 Coin Movement in Hand 00:06
019 Dice Shake and Roll onto Table 00:06
020 Cards Dealt and Flipped Down on Table with Light Grab and Shuffle Take 1 00:12
021 Cards Dealt and Flipped Down on Table with Light Grab and Shuffle Take 2 00:14
022 Cards Dealt and Flipped Down on Table with Light Grab and Shuffle Take 3 00:08
023 Dealer Card Shoe Clicks 00:07
024 Cards Slide out from Card Shoe Take 1 00:10
025 Cards Slide out from Card Shoe Take 2 00:09
026 Cards Slide out from Card Shoe Take 3 00:09
027 Cards Slide out from Card Shoe Take 4 00:09
028 Cards Slide out from Card Shoe with Zuzz Take 1 00:09
029 Cards Slide out from Card Shoe with Zuzz Take 2 00:11
030 Card Turned over on Table Take 1 00:09
031 Card Turned over on Table Take 2 00:07
032 Card Flipped over, Grabbed, And Slid Take 1 00:09
033 Card Flipped over, Grabbed, And Slid Take 2 00:09
034 Card out of Shoe and Slide with Light Click Steady 00:11
035 Money Bills Pulled from Clip with Rapid Counting 00:15
036 Gift Wrap Paper Moved and Torn 00:12
037 Take Pen Cap off and Begin Writing 00:20
038 Pencil Writing on Paper Movement Take 1 00:12
039 Pencil Writing on Paper Movement Take 2 00:16
040 Parchment Paper Rustle and Handle Take 1 00:15
041 Parchment Paper Rustle and Handle Take 2 00:08
042 Parchment Paper Rustle and Handle Take 3 00:07
043 Parchment Paper Rustle and Handle Take 4 00:11
044 Parchment Paper Rustle and Handle Take 5 00:10
045 Parchment Paper Rustle and Handle Take 6 00:08
046 Parchment Paper Impacts with Handling and Rustling Take 1 00:12
047 Parchment Paper Impacts with Handling and Rustling Take 2 00:14
048 Parchment Paper Impacts with Handling and Rustling Take 3 00:11
049 Parchment Paper Impacts with Handling and Rustling Take 4 00:09
050 Parchment Paper Impacts with Handling and Rustling Take 5 00:16
051 Parchment Paper Impacts with Handling and Rustling Take 6 00:16
052 Parchment Paper Movement and Ink Pen Tap on Ink Well 00:12
053 Hands Touching Parchment Paper Page and Writing on Paper 00:15
054 Heavy Gift Wrap Paper Unfolding and Handling Take 1 00:14
055 Heavy Gift Wrap Paper Unfolding and Handling Take 2 00:12
056 Parchment Crumples and Paper Rustling with Good Grabs and Movement 00:16
057 Paper Napkin Crumpled and Tossed Down 00:07
058 Impact on Wicker Basket 00:06
059 Grabs and Impacts on Wood Board and Drag in Dirt 00:09
060 Hands Clasp and Shake Take 1 00:08
061 Hands Clasp and Shake Take 2 00:08
062 Hands Clasp and Shake Take 3 00:08
063 Hands Clasp and Shake Take 4 00:09
064 Hands Clasp and Shake Take 5 00:11
065 Hands Clasp and Shake Take 6 00:08
066 Hands Clasp and Shake Take 7 00:08
067 Human Sniffing and Smelling 00:06
068 Pucker Lips and Kiss 00:06
069 Licking or Sucking Fingers Take 1 00:07
070 Licking or Sucking Fingers Take 2 00:07
071 Licking or Sucking Fingers Take 3 00:08
072 Soft Light Kisses Take 1 00:07
073 Soft Light Kisses Take 2 00:12
074 Soft Light Kisses Take 3 00:07
075 Soft Light Kisses Take 4 00:07
076 Soft Light Kisses Take 5 00:07
077 Soft Light Kisses Take 6 00:07
078 Heavy Kissing with Wet Lip Smacks Take 1 00:13
079 Heavy Kissing with Wet Lip Smacks Take 2 00:08
080 Heavy Kissing with Wet Lip Smacks Take 3 00:08
081 Heavy Kissing with Wet Lip Smacks Take 4 00:12
082 Heavy Kissing with Wet Lip Smacks Take 5 00:15
083 Heavy Kissing with Wet Lip Smacks Take 6 00:15
084 Long Squeaking Kiss with Lip Smack 00:06
085 Lip Smack with Funny Taste in Mouth 00:07
086 Light Liquid Sip and Swallow 00:06
087 Liquid Swallow Only 00:07
088 Soda Can Sipped from and Placed Down Take 1 00:12
089 Soda Can Sipped from and Placed Down Take 2 00:10
090 Grab and Pour Water into Tin Cup, Drink, And Spill 00:13
091 Sip from Paper Cup and Put Down on Table 00:06
092 Pull Bottle out of Ice Bucket with Water Drips 00:15
093 Grab Drink with Liquid and Ice Clinks Take 1 00:12
094 Grab Drink with Liquid and Ice Clinks Take 2 00:11
095 Ice Bag Movement Take 1 00:08
096 Ice Bag Movement Take 2 00:08
097 Ice Bag Movement Take 3 00:10
098 Pour Drink and Put Bottle Down 00:07
099 Pick up Drink with Ice Clinks and Set Down 00:15
100 Grab Bottle from Table with Light Liquid Slosh and Set Down Take 1 00:11
101 Grab Bottle from Table with Light Liquid Slosh and Set Down Take 2 00:09
102 Grab Bottle from Table with Light Liquid Slosh and Set Down Take 3 00:12
103 Grab Bottle from Table with Light Liquid Slosh and Set Down Take 4 00:08
104 Gulp Liquid and Swallow with Light Lip Smack 00:07
105 Slurp from Beer Mug and Set Down 00:07
106 Close up Beer Gulps and Swallows Take 1 00:10
107 Close up Beer Gulps and Swallows Take 2 00:09
108 Vomit with Watery Splash and Hit 00:07
109 Reaching in Cooler of Ice with Ice Movement 00:06
110 Light Puddle Splashes 00:06
111 Low Thick Liquid Gurgles and Bubbles with Crunch Take 1 00:47
112 Low Thick Liquid Gurgles and Bubbles with Crunch Take 2 00:09
113 Processed Rubber Stretching and Bending Take 1 00:51
114 Processed Rubber Stretching and Bending Take 2 00:27
115 Processed Rubber Stretching and Bending Take 3 00:21
116 Processed Rubber Stretching and Bending Take 4 00:12
117 Processed Rubber Stretching and Bending Take 5 00:10
118 Light Mud and Water Impact and Slosh 00:06
119 Shaving Cream Smoothed onto Face 00:08
120 Lotion or After Shave Rubbing in Hands Take 1 00:13
121 Lotion or After Shave Rubbing in Hands Take 2 00:08
122 Hands Dip into Sink with Light Pats and Splashes 00:07
123 Rubbing Lotion in with Hands 00:12
124 Pick up Glass Water Jug with Sloshes Take 1 00:13
125 Pick up Glass Water Jug with Sloshes Take 2 00:11
126 Bathtub Water Lapping Gently 01:14
127 Wring out Wet Cloth with Drips and Airy Squirt Take 1 00:11
128 Wring out Wet Cloth with Drips and Airy Squirt Take 2 00:11
129 Glass Water Jug Clinks and Water Splash Take 1 00:10
130 Glass Water Jug Clinks and Water Splash Take 2 00:14
131 Light Airy Bubbles in Water Take 1 00:22
132 Light Airy Bubbles in Water Take 2 00:16
133 Throw Coffee out of Cup onto Dirt 00:06
134 Pick up Small Bottle, Tighten Cap, Shake, And Set Down 00:11
135 Wine Glass Impact and Shatter on Ground 00:07
136 Dishes Being Knocked over on Table Lightly Without Break Take 1 00:10
137 Dishes Being Knocked over on Table Lightly Without Break Take 2 00:09
138 Glass Mug Set Down on Wood with Light Thud Take 1 00:08
139 Glass Mug Set Down on Wood with Light Thud Take 2 00:08
140 Glass Mug Set Down on Wood with Light Thud Take 3 00:08
141 Glass Mug Set Down on Wood with Light Thud Take 4 00:08
142 Coffee Shop Ambience with Dish Clinking, Coffee Pours and Chair Scrapes 01:16
143 Stone Sliding Across Wood with Grinding Take 1 00:10
144 Stone Sliding Across Wood with Grinding Take 2 00:09
145 Stone Sliding Across Wood with Grinding Take 3 00:10
146 Rock Scraping and Movement 00:06
147 Light and Steady Brush and Leaves Rustling 00:16
148 Blade Swishes Cutting Through Light Brush with Rustling Take 1 00:15
149 Blade Swishes Cutting Through Light Brush with Rustling Take 2 00:17
150 Leave Rustling and Movement Take 1 00:13
151 Leave Rustling and Movement Take 2 00:11
152 Leave Rustling and Movement Take 3 00:12
153 Light Leaves and Brush Rustling Movement 00:11
154 Individual Leaves Rolling by and Rustling 00:11
155 Heavy Cloth or Cape Whoosh Take 1 00:07
156 Heavy Cloth or Cape Whoosh Take 2 00:07
157 Flag Flapping or Cloth Movement Take 1 00:09
158 Flag Flapping or Cloth Movement Take 2 00:09
159 Flag Flapping or Cloth Movement Take 3 00:09
160 Flag Flapping or Cloth Movement Take 4 00:09
161 Heavy Cloth or Dress Movement 00:22
162 Steady Light Cloth Movement 00:39
163 Grab Coat and Throw Down with Whoosh 00:07
164 Heavy Cloth Movement with Light Zuzz 00:14
165 Single Bird Wing Flaps 00:08
166 Hummingbird Fast Wing Flutter Take 1 00:10
167 Hummingbird Fast Wing Flutter Take 2 00:09
168 Hummingbird Fast Wing Flutter Take 3 00:16
169 Hummingbird Fast Wing Flutter Take 4 00:15
170 Hummingbird Fast Wing Flutter Take 5 00:15
171 Single Bird Wing Flaps Close and Distant 00:07
172 Metal Shackles Move with Chain Rattle 00:07
173 Metal Shackles Unlocked with Chain Rattle 00:07
174 Metal Keys Jingle and Unlock Shackles 00:19
175 Wire Fence Rattles with Movement 00:13
176 Metal Animal Trap Closes with Light Creak and Ring out Take 1 00:09
177 Metal Animal Trap Closes with Light Creak and Ring out Take 2 00:08
178 Metal Animal Trap Closes with Light Creak and Ring out Take 3 00:08
179 Metal Animal Trap Closes with Light Creak and Ring out Take 4 00:08
180 Metal Animal Trap Closes with Light Creak and Ring out Take 5 00:09
181 Metal Animal Trap Closes with Light Creak and Ring out Take 6 00:07
182 Metal Animal Trap Closes with Light Creak and Ring out Take 7 00:07
183 Grabs Cloth and Chain with Movement and Metal Rattle 00:07
184 Metal and Stone Grind and Scrape with Light Movement 00:07
185 Metal Coat Hangers Bounce with Light Grab 00:07
186 Rope and Chain Movement Against Flag Pole Take 1 00:09
187 Rope and Chain Movement Against Flag Pole Take 2 00:08
188 Light Metal Dog Tag Rattles Take 1 00:09
189 Light Metal Dog Tag Rattles Take 2 00:09
190 Light Metal Dog Tag Rattles Take 3 00:10
002 Coin Drop and Spin on Metal Surface Take 2 00:09
003 Metal Tokens Jingle in Hand and Are Placed Down on Table Take 1 00:11
004 Metal Tokens Jingle in Hand and Are Placed Down on Table Take 2 00:10
005 Metal Tokens Jingle in Hand and Are Placed Down on Table Take 3 00:10
006 Metal Tokens Jingle in Hand and Are Placed Down on Table Take 4 00:09
007 Coins Jingle in Hand Take 1 00:10
008 Coins Jingle in Hand Take 2 00:09
009 Light Coin Movement with Hand Jingles Take 1 00:10
010 Light Coin Movement with Hand Jingles Take 2 00:09
011 Coins Jingle in Cloth Pocket Take 1 00:14
012 Coins Jingle in Cloth Pocket Take 2 00:10
013 Coins Dropping to Floor Take 1 00:09
014 Coins Dropping to Floor Take 2 00:08
015 Coin Dropped Quickly Through Slot 00:06
016 Light Distant Coin Jingles Take 1 00:15
017 Light Distant Coin Jingles Take 2 00:12
018 Coin Movement in Hand 00:06
019 Dice Shake and Roll onto Table 00:06
020 Cards Dealt and Flipped Down on Table with Light Grab and Shuffle Take 1 00:12
021 Cards Dealt and Flipped Down on Table with Light Grab and Shuffle Take 2 00:14
022 Cards Dealt and Flipped Down on Table with Light Grab and Shuffle Take 3 00:08
023 Dealer Card Shoe Clicks 00:07
024 Cards Slide out from Card Shoe Take 1 00:10
025 Cards Slide out from Card Shoe Take 2 00:09
026 Cards Slide out from Card Shoe Take 3 00:09
027 Cards Slide out from Card Shoe Take 4 00:09
028 Cards Slide out from Card Shoe with Zuzz Take 1 00:09
029 Cards Slide out from Card Shoe with Zuzz Take 2 00:11
030 Card Turned over on Table Take 1 00:09
031 Card Turned over on Table Take 2 00:07
032 Card Flipped over, Grabbed, And Slid Take 1 00:09
033 Card Flipped over, Grabbed, And Slid Take 2 00:09
034 Card out of Shoe and Slide with Light Click Steady 00:11
035 Money Bills Pulled from Clip with Rapid Counting 00:15
036 Gift Wrap Paper Moved and Torn 00:12
037 Take Pen Cap off and Begin Writing 00:20
038 Pencil Writing on Paper Movement Take 1 00:12
039 Pencil Writing on Paper Movement Take 2 00:16
040 Parchment Paper Rustle and Handle Take 1 00:15
041 Parchment Paper Rustle and Handle Take 2 00:08
042 Parchment Paper Rustle and Handle Take 3 00:07
043 Parchment Paper Rustle and Handle Take 4 00:11
044 Parchment Paper Rustle and Handle Take 5 00:10
045 Parchment Paper Rustle and Handle Take 6 00:08
046 Parchment Paper Impacts with Handling and Rustling Take 1 00:12
047 Parchment Paper Impacts with Handling and Rustling Take 2 00:14
048 Parchment Paper Impacts with Handling and Rustling Take 3 00:11
049 Parchment Paper Impacts with Handling and Rustling Take 4 00:09
050 Parchment Paper Impacts with Handling and Rustling Take 5 00:16
051 Parchment Paper Impacts with Handling and Rustling Take 6 00:16
052 Parchment Paper Movement and Ink Pen Tap on Ink Well 00:12
053 Hands Touching Parchment Paper Page and Writing on Paper 00:15
054 Heavy Gift Wrap Paper Unfolding and Handling Take 1 00:14
055 Heavy Gift Wrap Paper Unfolding and Handling Take 2 00:12
056 Parchment Crumples and Paper Rustling with Good Grabs and Movement 00:16
057 Paper Napkin Crumpled and Tossed Down 00:07
058 Impact on Wicker Basket 00:06
059 Grabs and Impacts on Wood Board and Drag in Dirt 00:09
060 Hands Clasp and Shake Take 1 00:08
061 Hands Clasp and Shake Take 2 00:08
062 Hands Clasp and Shake Take 3 00:08
063 Hands Clasp and Shake Take 4 00:09
064 Hands Clasp and Shake Take 5 00:11
065 Hands Clasp and Shake Take 6 00:08
066 Hands Clasp and Shake Take 7 00:08
067 Human Sniffing and Smelling 00:06
068 Pucker Lips and Kiss 00:06
069 Licking or Sucking Fingers Take 1 00:07
070 Licking or Sucking Fingers Take 2 00:07
071 Licking or Sucking Fingers Take 3 00:08
072 Soft Light Kisses Take 1 00:07
073 Soft Light Kisses Take 2 00:12
074 Soft Light Kisses Take 3 00:07
075 Soft Light Kisses Take 4 00:07
076 Soft Light Kisses Take 5 00:07
077 Soft Light Kisses Take 6 00:07
078 Heavy Kissing with Wet Lip Smacks Take 1 00:13
079 Heavy Kissing with Wet Lip Smacks Take 2 00:08
080 Heavy Kissing with Wet Lip Smacks Take 3 00:08
081 Heavy Kissing with Wet Lip Smacks Take 4 00:12
082 Heavy Kissing with Wet Lip Smacks Take 5 00:15
083 Heavy Kissing with Wet Lip Smacks Take 6 00:15
084 Long Squeaking Kiss with Lip Smack 00:06
085 Lip Smack with Funny Taste in Mouth 00:07
086 Light Liquid Sip and Swallow 00:06
087 Liquid Swallow Only 00:07
088 Soda Can Sipped from and Placed Down Take 1 00:12
089 Soda Can Sipped from and Placed Down Take 2 00:10
090 Grab and Pour Water into Tin Cup, Drink, And Spill 00:13
091 Sip from Paper Cup and Put Down on Table 00:06
092 Pull Bottle out of Ice Bucket with Water Drips 00:15
093 Grab Drink with Liquid and Ice Clinks Take 1 00:12
094 Grab Drink with Liquid and Ice Clinks Take 2 00:11
095 Ice Bag Movement Take 1 00:08
096 Ice Bag Movement Take 2 00:08
097 Ice Bag Movement Take 3 00:10
098 Pour Drink and Put Bottle Down 00:07
099 Pick up Drink with Ice Clinks and Set Down 00:15
100 Grab Bottle from Table with Light Liquid Slosh and Set Down Take 1 00:11
101 Grab Bottle from Table with Light Liquid Slosh and Set Down Take 2 00:09
102 Grab Bottle from Table with Light Liquid Slosh and Set Down Take 3 00:12
103 Grab Bottle from Table with Light Liquid Slosh and Set Down Take 4 00:08
104 Gulp Liquid and Swallow with Light Lip Smack 00:07
105 Slurp from Beer Mug and Set Down 00:07
106 Close up Beer Gulps and Swallows Take 1 00:10
107 Close up Beer Gulps and Swallows Take 2 00:09
108 Vomit with Watery Splash and Hit 00:07
109 Reaching in Cooler of Ice with Ice Movement 00:06
110 Light Puddle Splashes 00:06
111 Low Thick Liquid Gurgles and Bubbles with Crunch Take 1 00:47
112 Low Thick Liquid Gurgles and Bubbles with Crunch Take 2 00:09
113 Processed Rubber Stretching and Bending Take 1 00:51
114 Processed Rubber Stretching and Bending Take 2 00:27
115 Processed Rubber Stretching and Bending Take 3 00:21
116 Processed Rubber Stretching and Bending Take 4 00:12
117 Processed Rubber Stretching and Bending Take 5 00:10
118 Light Mud and Water Impact and Slosh 00:06
119 Shaving Cream Smoothed onto Face 00:08
120 Lotion or After Shave Rubbing in Hands Take 1 00:13
121 Lotion or After Shave Rubbing in Hands Take 2 00:08
122 Hands Dip into Sink with Light Pats and Splashes 00:07
123 Rubbing Lotion in with Hands 00:12
124 Pick up Glass Water Jug with Sloshes Take 1 00:13
125 Pick up Glass Water Jug with Sloshes Take 2 00:11
126 Bathtub Water Lapping Gently 01:14
127 Wring out Wet Cloth with Drips and Airy Squirt Take 1 00:11
128 Wring out Wet Cloth with Drips and Airy Squirt Take 2 00:11
129 Glass Water Jug Clinks and Water Splash Take 1 00:10
130 Glass Water Jug Clinks and Water Splash Take 2 00:14
131 Light Airy Bubbles in Water Take 1 00:22
132 Light Airy Bubbles in Water Take 2 00:16
133 Throw Coffee out of Cup onto Dirt 00:06
134 Pick up Small Bottle, Tighten Cap, Shake, And Set Down 00:11
135 Wine Glass Impact and Shatter on Ground 00:07
136 Dishes Being Knocked over on Table Lightly Without Break Take 1 00:10
137 Dishes Being Knocked over on Table Lightly Without Break Take 2 00:09
138 Glass Mug Set Down on Wood with Light Thud Take 1 00:08
139 Glass Mug Set Down on Wood with Light Thud Take 2 00:08
140 Glass Mug Set Down on Wood with Light Thud Take 3 00:08
141 Glass Mug Set Down on Wood with Light Thud Take 4 00:08
142 Coffee Shop Ambience with Dish Clinking, Coffee Pours and Chair Scrapes 01:16
143 Stone Sliding Across Wood with Grinding Take 1 00:10
144 Stone Sliding Across Wood with Grinding Take 2 00:09
145 Stone Sliding Across Wood with Grinding Take 3 00:10
146 Rock Scraping and Movement 00:06
147 Light and Steady Brush and Leaves Rustling 00:16
148 Blade Swishes Cutting Through Light Brush with Rustling Take 1 00:15
149 Blade Swishes Cutting Through Light Brush with Rustling Take 2 00:17
150 Leave Rustling and Movement Take 1 00:13
151 Leave Rustling and Movement Take 2 00:11
152 Leave Rustling and Movement Take 3 00:12
153 Light Leaves and Brush Rustling Movement 00:11
154 Individual Leaves Rolling by and Rustling 00:11
155 Heavy Cloth or Cape Whoosh Take 1 00:07
156 Heavy Cloth or Cape Whoosh Take 2 00:07
157 Flag Flapping or Cloth Movement Take 1 00:09
158 Flag Flapping or Cloth Movement Take 2 00:09
159 Flag Flapping or Cloth Movement Take 3 00:09
160 Flag Flapping or Cloth Movement Take 4 00:09
161 Heavy Cloth or Dress Movement 00:22
162 Steady Light Cloth Movement 00:39
163 Grab Coat and Throw Down with Whoosh 00:07
164 Heavy Cloth Movement with Light Zuzz 00:14
165 Single Bird Wing Flaps 00:08
166 Hummingbird Fast Wing Flutter Take 1 00:10
167 Hummingbird Fast Wing Flutter Take 2 00:09
168 Hummingbird Fast Wing Flutter Take 3 00:16
169 Hummingbird Fast Wing Flutter Take 4 00:15
170 Hummingbird Fast Wing Flutter Take 5 00:15
171 Single Bird Wing Flaps Close and Distant 00:07
172 Metal Shackles Move with Chain Rattle 00:07
173 Metal Shackles Unlocked with Chain Rattle 00:07
174 Metal Keys Jingle and Unlock Shackles 00:19
175 Wire Fence Rattles with Movement 00:13
176 Metal Animal Trap Closes with Light Creak and Ring out Take 1 00:09
177 Metal Animal Trap Closes with Light Creak and Ring out Take 2 00:08
178 Metal Animal Trap Closes with Light Creak and Ring out Take 3 00:08
179 Metal Animal Trap Closes with Light Creak and Ring out Take 4 00:08
180 Metal Animal Trap Closes with Light Creak and Ring out Take 5 00:09
181 Metal Animal Trap Closes with Light Creak and Ring out Take 6 00:07
182 Metal Animal Trap Closes with Light Creak and Ring out Take 7 00:07
183 Grabs Cloth and Chain with Movement and Metal Rattle 00:07
184 Metal and Stone Grind and Scrape with Light Movement 00:07
185 Metal Coat Hangers Bounce with Light Grab 00:07
186 Rope and Chain Movement Against Flag Pole Take 1 00:09
187 Rope and Chain Movement Against Flag Pole Take 2 00:08
188 Light Metal Dog Tag Rattles Take 1 00:09
189 Light Metal Dog Tag Rattles Take 2 00:09
190 Light Metal Dog Tag Rattles Take 3 00:10