The Power of Sound : How to Be Healthy and Productive Using Music and Sound by Jerry Sargeant EPUB [EN]

2010 | Inner Traditions | ISBN: 9781594773501 | 912 KB | 320 Pages | EPUB


Customize your sound environment for a better quality of life.

? Shows how to use music and sound to reduce stress, enhance learning, and improve performance
? Provides detailed guidelines for musicians and health care professionals
? Includes a 75-minute CD of psychoacoustically designed classical music

What we hear, and how we process it, has a far greater impact on our daily living than we realize. From the womb to the moment we die we are surrounded by sound, and what we hear can either energize or deplete our nervous systems. It is no exaggeration to say that what goes into our ears can harm us or heal us.
Joshua Leeds--a pioneer in the application of music for health, learning, and productivity--explains how sound can be a powerful ally. He explores chronic sensory overload and how auditory dysfunction often results in difficulties with learning and social interactions. He offers innovative techniques designed to invigorate auditory skills and provide balanced sonic environments.
In this revised and updated edition of The Power of Sound, Leeds includes current research, extensive resources, analysis of the maturing field of soundwork and a look at the effect of sound on animals. He also provides a 75-minute CD of psycho-acoustically designed classical music for a direct experience of the effect of simplified sound on the nervous system. With new information on how to use music and sound for enhanced health and productivity, The Power of Sound provides readers with practical solutions for vital and sustained well-being.


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