The Vocal Athlete, 2nd Edition

English | 2019 | ISBN-13 : 978-1635501636 | 414 Pages | True (PDF, EPUB) | 39 MB


The Vocal Athlete, Second Edition and the companion book The Vocal Athlete: Application and Technique for the Hybrid Singer, Second Edition are written and designed to bridge the gap between the art of contemporary commercial music (CCM) singing and the science behind voice production in this ever-growing popular vocal style. This book is a must have for the speech pathologist, singing voice specialist, and vocal pedagogue. Heavily referenced, this text is ripe with current research on singing science as it relates to the CCM voice. In addition to general singing science, The Vocal Athlete is the first book of its kind to address the unique vocal and physiologic demands of commercial singing from a sound scientific and pedagogical standpoint. Historical review of classical vocal pedagogy is interwoven and transitioned to current pedagogy of CCM. Anyone who trains singers will gain insight into the current research and trends regarding the commercial music artist.a

The Vocal Athlete distinguishes itself from other pedagogy texts by incorporating current peer reviewed literature in the area of CCM and its studio application. Also unique to this text are chapters on body alignment, traditional and holistic medicine, the lifecycle of the voice, and the physiology of belting.

New to the Second Edition:

New medical chapter on Common Pathologies in Vocal Athletes
New comprehensive chapter on Perception, Aesthetics, and Registration in the Commercial Vocal Athlete
Extended sections in Motor Learning and Exercise Physiology chapters
Updated references throughout
Access to a PluralPlus companion website with PowerPoint lecture slides

The companion book, The Vocal Athlete: Application and Technique for the Hybrid Singer, Second Edition, is a practical array of vocal exercises and techniques described by experienced CCM vocal pedagogues. This book features access to a PluralPlus companion website with singing exercises to further enhance understanding of techniques and skills used in training these singers.

These books are invaluable tools for anyone who uses or trains the singing voice.


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