Kontakt | 212,54 MB
A collaboration between 'TheoPOP' and also z3R0, to create our first volume in a series called 'Theopop minimoog Projekt vol.1'.The minimoog itself, is owned and recorded by Theopop and all wave edits were completed by z3R0.
This first package was designed to be a variety of different sounds built as single shot presetz that represent the mini MOOG honestly.
The z3RO 'M I X E R' ; has been used in thisbuild to give you a variety of sounds in one preset, And to give you the fexibility to 'design' your own!
INCLUDED:( 511 meg / 576-Filez / 56-Folderz )
- 44x24bit mono wave filez
- Two Beautiful GUI'z w/controls out front!
- Kontakt v2 Folder
- Kontakt v4 Folder
- Total of #32 / Kontakt 2+ Presetz
* Electro Square
* Filtered Env 1
* Filtered Env 2
* HyperSaw
* Juice Moog 1
* Juice Moog 2
* mini Stabz
* Mixerz (1 thru 4)
* Moog EFx-1
* Moog EFx-2
* MoogFooger!
* Moog Rhodez
* Pulse
* Space Moog (1 thru 4)
* Square
* Square Spike
- Total #3 / Kontakt 4.2.3 Presetz
* Chord Moog!
* Moog Bouncer
* Moog Trigger
官网: http://web.archive.org/web/20150425023606/https://0on3.wordpress.com/