Tim Petherick Vari-Level Nebula 3 Library

Nebula 3 Library | AudioZ Exclusive | 30.18 MB


This release works with nebula pro 3 v1.3.903 and above

Based on Modern version Of a 50’s classic. This comp is more versatile you may first think.


Proper feedback detection
Single and Double/triple modes (Double and triple modes are based on subtle dual release)
From approx 0.5- 30seconds release for ultimate tuning versatility, exponential release means long times always stay musical for Rms leveling.
Release control
attack control added, giving both Double/triple modes and everything in between. Single mode has also a extra attack
Extra Part Linear release presets for fastest/longest release times on low gain reduction (Longest will be similar to a HOLD MODE), The sounds is more reminiscent of a modern comp, possibly better for drums. Note these presets are also program dependent, so they will still change the release time on certain material.
Clip preset
Program dependent release giving a 3 element release (exponential, control and Program dependence)
Lower cpu than previous comps
bused Meters, for smoother action
Two meters types M1 (Gain over threshold with attack and release characteristic, more similar to the hardware) and M2 (Normal Gain Reduction)
N3 jpn skins

This is a newer approach to a feedback compressor in nebula. This will give a wonderful classic attack. A great deal of study went into reproducing the complexity’s in nebula. In addition to this the release has a classic slowing as it approaches ZERO compression (up to approx 30sec’s release.

In Double/triple modes Naturally have slightly faster action.

The clipper

The clipper was added to emulate the saturation that the unit produces clipping transients. It’s not necessary to use it unless it’s desired, It is simply to clip/limit any transient let through by the attack of the comp.I advise It should be only used subtlety. Simply place this after the comp preset. When using the skin, I recommend you don’t go into the red. A typical comp could also include the pre before the compressor.

For clipper skin meters, you should use peak in the master page.

Set Up

Use a lower buffer of 512 of lower, This will help meters
Set the GUI in master page to approx 15.0ms is good starting point, On some systems 5.0ms is possible but this depends on your system. This will give a good smooth meter.

In the menu

You’ll find Vari-Level under VL in the nebula menu, then broken into sample rates 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, Followed by M1(Meter type 1), M2 (meter type 2), CL (Clipper).

example of rms leveling with maximum gain reduction

Tim Petherick Vari-Level Nebula 3 Library screenshot

Tim Petherick Vari-Level Nebula 3 Library screenshot

This exclusive release was generously supplied to us by our member sideshowtmc
Thank you for supporting AudioZ!

官网: https://www.timpetherick.co.uk/downloads/vari-level/

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