Kleen | July 20, 2015 | ~4Mbs
Hello All,
This work comes from a good pal. Props to them for their work for OSX'ers.
Vocal Pitch Shifter
TB VoicePitcher is a simple to use, while very effective plugin to change the overall pitch of dialog and vocals, including singing voices. Because its algorithms are specifically designed for the human voice, the results with TB VoicePitcher will typically sound better, cleaner, and more natural than with other general-purpose pitch shifting algorithms*. Pitch shifting can be performed in real time, with a small latency that is compensated for by the DAW host (if supported). Furthermore, spectral (formant) corrections to improve the timbre of pitched vocals can be applied as well.
*Because TB VoicePitcher is specifically designed to process the human voice, it is less suitable for other content such as polyphonic music or rhythm tracks.