Toolroom Trademark Series Mark Knight WAV

WAV | AudioZ Exclusive | 559.41 MB


Encapsulating a label’s signature sound doesn’t get better than straight from the label boss & co-founder.

The second in Toolroom’s ‘Trademark Series’ lifts the lid on label boss Mark Knight’s latest sample library, bringing you a wealth of samples to enhance any aspiring producer’s future productions.

Grammy-nominated Mark Knight needs little introduction, proving a rare and wonderful breed of musical heavyweight with a consistent run of hits and chart-topping ventures.

With countless ‘Essential New Tune’ accolades by Radio 1’s Pete Tong & numerous Beatport No.1’s, Mark is recognised as the second highest-selling Beatport artist of all time & was recently inducted into the prestigious Radio 1’s Hall of Fame earlier in the year.

Digging into Mark’s latest batch of samples, you’ll find a wealth of flawless loops & single hits spanning every essential track element, allowing House & Tech House producers to dip in and find that missing sound, or build an entire track from the ground up.

The Sample pack contains a staggering 391 samples including 105 processed Single Hits, countless Drums Loops, Synth and Vox Loops alongside an arsenal of EFX, Drum Fills and Snare Rolls & Risers.

Everything you’ll ever need for your next production in one essential pack, ready and waiting to simply drag and drop into your DAW.

Sample pack contents:

? 391 Samples in 24bit WAV
? 23 x Atmos Loops
? 21 x Bass Loops
? 10 x Clap Loops
? 21 x Drum Fills & Snare Rolls
? 21 x Drum Loops
? 35 x EFX
? 20 x Hat Loops
? 20 x Kick Loops
? 16 x Perc Loops
? 22 x Risers
? 20 x Synth Loops
? 22 x Tops Loops
? 35 x Vox Loops
? 105 x Single Hits (20 x Claps, 23 x Hats, 20 x Kicks, 20 x Percussion, 22 x Stabs)

This release has been exclusively provided to AudioZ by our member groovegsus. Please show him some love


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