Total Commander 11.03 Final with Key

20 MB/70MB | x64,x32,both,powerpack | Working Key


Total Commander is a convenient, extended file manager. It is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. The application offers a view of two windows, between which the operation on the folders and files on your system are taken. The big advantage of the application is a system of keyboard shortcuts that allow you to move through the program and have different options.

The program has a built-in FTP client / FXP, and it allows browsing text files and HTML. Thanks to installation of plug-ins for Total Commander, each user can expand the capabilities of the manager.

Key Features:

Two file windows side by side
Multiple language and Unicode support
Enhanced search function
Compare files (now with editor) / synchronize directories
Quick View panel with bitmap display
ZIP, ARJ, LZH, RAR, UC2, TAR, GZ, CAB, ACE archive handling + plugins
Built-in FTP client with FXP (server to server) and HTTP proxy support

There is a normal Pack, which only has the "normal" setup for Total Commander, no plugins, no additional features, the key is included there.
And there is the Power Pack, which is done by Samlab for every new release, it has plugins and additional features, ready to install, only problem is that the installer is in russian and the TC default language is also set to russian, so this needs to be adjusted. Here also the key is included.
Key goes into the totalcmd folder, to be picked up by the TC and unlock it. Enjoy.


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