TrakTrain Do Not Disturb Guitar Loop Kit WAV

P2P | 18 November 2020 | 337 MB


In this “Do Not Disturb” Traktrain Guitar Loop Kit we present you 101 High-Quality Guitar Loops perfect for making Trap & Future Beat type beats.
We are happy to announce the release of Traktrain’s new official Guitar Kit “do not disturb”. It contains 101 guitar loops, including clean and effect-processed versions. The samples were live performed and recorded in a studio by a team of affiliate producers and musicians. Due to the diversity of influences, ranging from Soul and Funk to Pop and Rock, the kit is very versatile. As a result, you can find material for any type beat production inside: starting from Chill and Lo-Fi and ending with Trap and Future Beat.

Every three or four loops share the underlying chord progression. That is to say, they are layers of the same harmony that you can mix and match to create a unique sound. To make sure you have the most room for experimentation we included both the clean and processed version of the loops. Therefore, if you like the loop, but it doesn’t sound right with effects in the mix, you can get the clean guitar signal and run it through any effect you like. Hence the title – you will need a “do not disturb” plate before plunging into the loops. That is to say, take some time to explore what the kit has to offer and make music!

What’s inside?

101 loops in total;
Clean and FX versions;
Grouped by theme in 16 folders;
Tempo and key specified for each sample;
Professionally performed and recorded;
High-quality audio.


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