Udemy 30 Days To A Better Singing Voice TUTORiAL

P2P | 19 February 2020 | 1.57 GB


Would you like to eliminate all of the struggles that you've faced when singing?

This course is your "Personal Trainer" for singing. It is a direct and to the point online singing course. No ranting and no fluff.

Follow the videos in order and move along at the prescribed times for best results. Try to avoid the urge to work through all the exercises at once.

2.5 hours of hard hitting video training

Keeping track of which videos(lectures) you have already watched is a breeze. Udemy has a great way of keeping track of your completed lessons (lectures).

The entire course is organized in step-by-step easy to follow layout

Adam is able to teach people of all levels since he literally started from the bottom and can empathize with students of any level, and direct them to improve their voice quickly.

What you'll learn

?How to sing with more freedom, power and range in just 30 days
?How to incorporate movement into your vocal exercise which will help reduce tension
?How to modify all of your vowels in your bridge to increase freedom and range
?How to extend your range
?How to sing in a mix

官网: https://bit.ly/39EusYO

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