Udemy Audio Editing Techniques for Instructors and Professionals TUTORiAL

P2P Oct 16 2015 | 140 MB


Audio Editing techniques for Udemy Instructors, Podcasters, Vocal Artists, Youtubers, Interviewers, Commentators

Audio Editing is defined as the techniques and measures used to edit an audio, it is as simple as that. The things we do to make our audio sound the way we want it is called audio editing. In this course, you're going to learn the basics of audio editing so you would be able to do the following things:
- Removing Noise from your recordings
- Different Techniques to make your recordings sound awesome
- Some techniques to make them sound the way you want to
- Editing a lecture, podcast or audio of a youtube video
- Some ways to add some cool effects to your recordings
- Editing a singing track and making it sound awesome
- and much more that you'll love

Let me give you a fair offer. Enroll in the course and go through it and if you don't find what you were looking for then feel free to take 100% of your money back within 30 days.
The course is for absolute beginners to intermediate level. If you're a udemy instructor or any person who is struggling to make his/her recording sound awesome to increase the attraction of an audience and engagement of users, students and audience.

Why you need to have better audio?

Let me tell you some interesting insights that you might don't know right now. This will prove that the audio is really important.

1. It has been proven that a person who is watching a video will very much don't close the video if the video quality is not very good. But, if the audio is bad, then the person will get irritated soon and close the video. It is true, you can try it too.

2. Audio is one of the most important things that holds a person to listen to what you're trying to convey to him.

There are many other insights too. Audio surely is something that you don't want to ignore. This course will provide you with enough material to understand the basics and edit your recordings in an awesome way so you will have great results.

官网: https://www.udemy.com/audio-editing/

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