Udemy Beginners Guide To Adobe Audition TUTORiAL

P2P | 05 September 2024 | 906 MB


This course will introduce you to Adobe Audition and guide you through a complete workflow in 6 modules. I'll walk you through the Waveform editor and the Multitrack environment. I’ll show you how to configure the settings so that Audition reads your audio interface.

Now that we are ready for recording, we’re going to get our script ready to record in Module 2. During recording, I’ll show you some of the most important things you must do before recording so you are sure of a clear, crisp audio recording. In addition to recording, we’ll navigate time position and perform basic editing tasks.

Now that we’ve recorded our track, we need to trim it and make it perfect. We will cut, trim and adjust it removing all the bloopers until we are satisfied with our recording.

I'll show you how we can transform an average track into a fantastic one by using the Effects Rack. In the process, we’ll apply some of the best plugins like equalization, compression, normalization and hard limiting.

Finally, we will arrange all our audio clips into a timeline sequence to make a complete episode. We will then save and export our episode, ready to share with the world.

What you'll learn:

?Learn how to record your first audio file in Adobe Audition
?Learn the basic editing techniques to transform your recording into a fantastic sounding one
?Master the Effects Rack and use it to create your signature sound
?Arrange various audio clips in a timeline sequence in the multitrack environment to create your first podcast episode

官网: https://www.udemy.com/course/beginners-guide-to-adobe-audition/

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