Udemy Bluegrass for the Curious Guitarist TUTORiAL

P2P | 25 May 2018 | 4.86 GB


Complete bluegrass guitar lessons course. Beginner to advanced. Learn songs with tab, chords, rhythm, leads, & soloing.

Welcome to Bluegrass for the Curious Guitarist! This is a comprehensive guitar course that takes you from the beginning (you don't know how to play guitar) to an advanced level in which you'll be playing & jamming bluegrass for fun! Lectures begin at the very beginning. Students do no need any prior knowledge of guitar or music.

Students can use any guitar they have while learning- electric, acoustic, or even classical. In general, bluegrass guitarists play the acoustic guitar, but any six-string guitar will work while you gather your bluegrass skills.

Our course is in two sections: BLUEGRASS GUITAR BASICS & SONGS.

In the BASICS section, our lectures focus on getting you up to speed with your guitar skills, such as reading tabs, knowing all your basic chords, understanding strum patterns, learning the country strumming technique (Carter Style), learning your open scale shapes and how to use them with various techniques like hammerons & pulloffs, understanding your jam etiquette, learning your history on bluegrass, and learning how to read music.

*About reading music: This is bonus instruction for you. YOU DON'T NEED TO READ MUSIC FOR THIS COURSE. I very highly recommend that you watch the videos & read the PDFs to learn how to read so that you can learn on your own in the future, but you can learn every bit of this course without having to read music.

Every video has PDFs attached in the "additional resources" tab. Download these, print these, keep these. The SONGS each have two PDFs, one has the full tablature with chords, the other is a simple chord chart. You will want both.

The SONGS section has 10 of the commonly played bluegrass tunes that I walk you through. I'll show you a few methods for playing the chords, I'll show you the melody, then I'll teach you how to jam (solo) over the chord changes.

官网: https://bit.ly/2LwqQwK

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