Udemy Blues and Advanced Guitar Lessons TUTORiAL

P2P | 11 September 2019 | 6.74 GB


Would You Like to Supercharge Your Understanding of the Guitar Without All the "fluff" That Most Guitar Instructors Teach You?

If you are looking for the best way to quickly advance your guitar skills to the highest level it has ever been then this is the most important online guitar course you will ever have to take.

What's Inside?

130 lectures/videos with most lectures having a PDF attachment
7 hours of video
PLUS New Videos added Each month
This is the perfect community for Intermediate players looking to increase their level of skill in becoming an advanced player AND it's also GREAT for existing advanced players as well.

Who is this guitar course for?

Passionate Guitar Players with a Desire to "up" Their Guitar Game
Those Players Who Want to Finally Understand the MOST Essential Music Theory Principles, Allowing Limitless Possibilities on Their Fretboard
Intermediate and Advanced Players
Blues Enthusiasts
You Will Be Learning From a Veteran in the Guitar Industry.

Erich's Guitar Videos, Ebooks, Online Guitar Courses and Books Have Reached Millions of People All Around the World.

With More Than 60 Million Views on Youtube alone
Nearly 30 Years Experience in Teaching and Playing
Over 260,000 Youtube Subscribers
We all know you have to practice to become better at guitar.

Most teachers don't have a "plan" for beginners to follow for them to see actual results.

This course, and all of Erich's courses on Udemy, are laid out in a "no fail" order. So all you have to do is follow the videos in order and put your practice to good use.

Erich will teach you the correct techniques and exercises to incorporate into your practice so you begin to establish the Right Practice habits.

THIS course will get you moving in the right direction.

No other advanced course will be like this one. This course is one of a kind.

Here are some key highlights to this Advanced Guitar Course:

Knowing construction of chords, gettting to Jam out to any song
Having the confidence to go join a band if you choose to
Call and Response style guitar becomes second nature to you
**Add 5 Bonus Videos on Two-hand Tapping Techniques**

There's really no other advanced guitar course like this anywhere else but here.

Get Started Today For Only $95

And here's my, no questions asked, money back guarantee!

There's a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Is this course for you?

Honestly, I have know idea. And that's why we are offering a 30 day money back guarantee.

Scroll up and click the "Take This Course" button now.

WARNING: This course is NOT for the person who thinks by purchasing this course it will then magically give them all your guitar skills to you without you having to put the time, effort and practice. It does take practice if you want to see results. :)

What you'll learn
Bring Your Core Guitar Skills to Great New Heights with Advanced Understanding and Tools
Master Blues Theory, Scales, Chords, Phrasing and Improvisation
Fill in the "holes" of Your Current Guitar Knowledge For a More COMPLETE Guitar Mastery
Finally and Easily Unravel the Mysteries of Music Theory For Full Fretboard Comprehension

官网: https://bit.ly/2lJjayK

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