Udemy Building Foundations: Beginners Guide To Voice TUTORiAL

P2P | 26 January 2023 | 1.71 GB


Welcome to Building Foundations! In this course we are going to give you a beginners overview to voice. We will learn proper foundations for singing such as posture, how to properly take care of your instrument, where you should be focusing your time and energy, and more. We'll go in depth over several different vocal warm ups to help you understand how your voice works and to help you grow and develop your voice at home on your own. And lastly I've included some extra curricular vocal scales to help you not only with singing but are also great to help you with ear training (being able to hear correct notes and hear multiple notes within chords).

This course is designed to be a beginners course, with no experience necessary! Or if you already have experience singing but want some guidance with warming up your voice at home, this is also the perfect course for you. You will be able to download all vocal warm ups so you can add those to your phone or computer and use whenever you sing.

This is going to be a great course with lots of information! I'm excited to working with you and I hope you find this course useful and enjoyable!

What you'll learn

?Answers to Commonly Asked Questions
?How to Warm Up Your Voice
?Vocal Technique
?Basic Voice Theory

官网: https://bit.ly/3WLjdG2

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