Udemy EDM Compression and Dynamics - The Complete Course TUTORiAL

P2P | 01 September 2020 | 1 GB


Learn how to use compression in your EDM productions once and for all. Compression is one of the most misunderstand and one of the most useful tools you have to make your productions sound professional and polished.

The reason you have trouble with it is because of the way it’s taught. Confusing terminology and lack of proper explanations all contribute to compression being a confusing subject. But not anymore.

In this course, you’ll get the clearest, most easy to understand explanations and demonstrations on how to use compression in your tracks. Learn

· Compression controls like threshold, attack, release, knee and output gain

· How to visually set all the compression settings to get the results you want

· How to use compression on drums, synths, vocals, mastering and more

· How to use advanced compression techniques like parallel compression, multiband compression, OTT and more

· About different types of compressors and what they’re used for

· Much more!

You’ve probably heard this before but this really is the last course on compression you’ll ever need. Not only do you get tons of information and examples, you can also ask questions and make suggestions if you feel like anything is not clear.

Boost your confidence in your production skills and make your tracks sound amazing with compression. By the end of this course you’ll be able to use compression on any instrument using any plugin.

The course is taught by Fuad Murad, a seasoned producer with years of experience and multiple best selling courses. Sign up and get started today.

What you'll learn

?Audio compression for EDM tracks
?How to use compression on drums
?How to use compression on vocals
?How to use compression for mastering
?How to use multiband compression

官网: https://bit.ly/2YX2nsR

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