Udemy Find Your Voice An Introductory Singing Course TUTORiAL

P2P | 24 September 2024 | 948 MB


In the next 5 weeks we are going to embark on a journey of discovery into the wonderful world of singing through the lense of God’s love and goodness. Whether you are a total beginner or whether you are a more seasoned singer, or you simply love music and worship and want to take part, it is my hope that this course will be of great encouragement to you as we delve into the specifics of an instrument that we have all been given, our voice.

My main aim throughout this course is that you will build both skill and confidence in your singing journey. I will share practical tools and technique to help you improve your singing, but I will also share some of what I have learned in my own singing journey so far where God took me from a place where I was shy and worried, to a place of freedom and creativity. In the final week I will also be introducing you to the subject of songwriting.

Please feel free to make this course taylor made to your preferences. You could take it as a 5 week course as it is set out, or you could also choose to take it at your own pace. Whatever way you choose, make sure you have fun and enjoy learning!

Thank you for being here. I am really looking forward to the next 5 weeks.


Sing God a brand-new song!
Earth and everyone in it, sing!
Sing to God—worship God!

What you'll learn:

?Learn the 5 foundational pillars of singing
?Set a solid foundation for vocal health and good technique
?Grow in your faith and confidence
?Learn from a professional singer and songwriter who values the creative and offers encouragement.
?Includes an introductory lesson on the craft of songwriting

官网: https://www.udemy.com/course/findyourvoicesingingcourse/

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