Udemy - Fingerstyle Guitar by Jacques Stotzem - Advanced Level TUTORiAL

P2P Oct 16 2015 | 1.65 GB


Discover the ADVANCED fingerstyle guitar with guitarist Jacques Stotzem / including transcription / Watch the trailer

This is the second course by Jacques Stotzem - ADVANCED FINGERSTYLE

In this online guitar lesson / workshop Jacques will be teaching you some more advanced stuff than in his basic course. In 6 Videolessons you will get to know two compositions by Jacques Stotzem.

Learn the ballade "Lueur du soir" incl. MP3 and TRANSCRIPTION
Learn the song "Finger′s Stomp" incl. MP3 and TRANSCRIPTION
Everything is transcribed in sheet music and tabs
Including: 2 exclusive performance videos by Jacques Stotzem (Tweny-one & his arrangement of Come together)

Take this course, if you already watched our first/basic course or if you are interested in learning more advanced stuff. You don′t need to be a guitar crack. Everything you need is presented in the videos or/and on our pdfs. You do not need to read any note - there are also some tabs!

Jacques will show you a nice ballade (the same from the teaser video) and a classical finger style boomchick song. Preview the mp3s in the course curriculum :)

After taking the course and learning the songs you have expanded your finger style repertoire. Now you′re ready to change the songs and make your own out of it!

Complete runtime: 91 minutes

官网: https://www.udemy.com/fingerstyleguitar-jacques-stotzem-advanced/

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