Udemy - Fingerstyle Guitar Lessons : Blues Chords : Fingerpicking TUTORiAL

Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 640x360 | Audio: aac, 44100 Hz
Language: English | VTT | Size: 384 MB | Duration: 1 hours


What you'll learn
The purpose of this course is to expand your blues picking skills and also to broaden your repertoire of blues chords.
You will learn Windy and Warm by John Loudermilk
You will learn the blues chords for a simple Gary davis picking style in the key of C
You will Watch Over Me by Guy Davis
You will learn Brown Skin Woman by Sam Chatmon
You will learn a blues in E in the style of Lightnin' Hopkins

Acoustic guitar. You should be familiar with common blues chords structure and progressions.
Fingerstyle Guitar Lessons: Blues Chords: Fingerstyle Blues Guitar Chords : Fingerstyle Acoustic Guitar Patterns Blues

This courses provides tuition in several diverse blues guitar finger picking styles, and also gives the opportunity to learn complete songs - advice is also given about singing at the same time.

Artists covered - Lightnin' Hopkins, John Loudermilk, Gary Davis, Sam Chatmon and Guy Davis.

The acoustic blues guitar masters had an enormous influence on generations of modern guitarists - the acoustic swing blues of Broonzy, for example, became the electric style of Muddy Waters, then Buddy Guy and Stevie Ray Vaughan.

The starting point fo any guitar picker wanting to play any kind of blues is to study the techniques of the original blues guitar players, to see how they put their music together and to appreciate how their fingers produced so much rhythm and syncopation onj a relatively simple instrument like the acoustic guitar.

This basic course covers several basic guitar finger picking styles, and my approach is to show you just one thing - anyone can play the blues guitar with the right tuition, time and practice - it's all up to you.

Each guitar lesson includes in-video guitar tablature, discussion about technique and slow motion demonstrations of both hands. This course is a great primer for my other blues guitar lessons, which cover all of the major guitar picking styles from most famous blues men of old.

#fingerstyle #acoustic #blues #guitar

Who this course is for:
You are passionate about the blues guitar and eager to explore many styles? You should have been playing for a couple of years or so, any style.

Udemy - Fingerstyle Guitar Lessons : Blues Chords : Fingerpicking TUTORiAL screenshot
官网: https://www.udemy.com/course/blues-guitar-finger-picking-basics-with-jim-bruce/

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