Udemy Game Music Production TUTORiAL

P2P | 27 January 2023 | 254 MB


Did you know the Video Game Industry is one of the fastest growing industry? Making millions and millions each year. And guess what? All these games need music! And its an exciting industry to get into. You can be a game music composer, a game sound designer, or even a game dialogue and voice over artist. So there's many possibilities as a music maker and artist.

In this course composer/sound designer Gary Hiebner will guide you through the interesting world of Video Games, and how you can get involved as a music maker. It is quite a dynamic and challenging field. So knowing how sounds and music work in this field, plus the technology that drives it will make you a key player.

Gary will cover the different terms used in this field so you become familiar with how it works. Then he will explore the different roles that are available for music makers and artists. Then he'll go over these areas in depth and how to make you a better game music maker in these areas.

In the end of this course you'll be able to start building up your game music portfolio. Which you'll be able to take and show it to potential Gaming Studio and Companies.

Course Content includes:
?What is Game Music, and Why its an Exciting Field
?The Different game Music Roles
?Becoming a Game Music Composer
?Becoming a Game Sound Designer
?Working with Dialogue and Voice Overs
?Being a Team Player in the Video Game World
?Start our Own Game Music Portfolio

What You'll Get From This Course:
?A Guide on how the Video Game Industry works and how Music and Sound Can help
?The Different roles that you as a music maker and artists can explore in this industry
?How to fine tune which role you want to improve at
?How to create your own Game Music Portfolio to ship around to Game Studios

官网: https://bit.ly/40aaUXa

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