Udemy Getting Your First Music Sales Online TUTORiAL

P2P | 21 February 2022 | 596 MB


Want to start selling music online but you're not sure where to start? I'll show you where you can sell your music, how to sell your music, and ways to work with people to get more consistent and repeat gigs. I started from scratch, I didn't know anybody in the business - I didn't have a social media following and I didn't have targeted ads. Now I'm getting daily sales and gig requests online with over 100+ commission jobs finished. I'll show you how I cut through the over-saturated market of online commission and library music, I'll show you real examples of how to pitch and get more gigs, and we'll cover a bunch of options for you to explore and find what fits best for your music business.

This Course is Best for Beginners and Intermediate Composers, Songwriters, and Producers. This course will not focus on selling music to popular streaming services, rather how to work directly with clients for commission work, as well as making passive income through Music Libraries and Stock Sites. There will be additional information about sharing, expanding, and growing your business as well as techniques that you can directly apply to future work and jobs.

I'm a Media Composer and Performance Musician out of Southern California - I have composed and orchestrated for short films, commercials, mobile videogames, and audiobooks. I also have professional experience working as a social media manager and content creator. Currently working towards scoring feature films and television.

What you'll learn

?How To Sell Your Music Online
?Where To Sell Your Music
?Understanding the Music Market
?How to Grow Music Business

官网: https://bit.ly/35b9F1Z

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