Udemy How to Play the Darbuka Drum TUTORiAL

P2P | 01 September 2024 | 2.1 GB


A comprehensive course covering how to play darbuka (also known as the doumbek). This drum is a lovely middle-eastern musical instrument, and course covers all things related to successfully playing it. This course covers beginner, intermediate, as well as advanced techniques of playing.

From seating position, beginner and intermediate strokes, rhythms, and even advanced techniques (such as the Turkish split finger); this course has it all. This course is meant for those who are percussion enthusiasts and even professional percussionists that are looking to expand their repetoire. I hope that this course is beneficial and that the fundamentals (as well as more advanced concepts) are easy to grasp. Please keep in mind that some of the more advanced concepts will take time and practice in order to be replucated.

Rest assured, that with practice, great things can occur. The use of notation can also found within this course, and this course uses its very own notation system, which is broken down in detail throughout the course. The rhythms taught do include the mafluf rhythm, ayoub rhythm, maqsoum rhythm, baladi rhythm, saidi rhythm, fallahi, rhythm, masmoudi rhythm, and chiftettelli rhythm. With all of that being said, I hope to be of service through this teaching material. Thanks and kind regards.

官网: https://www.udemy.com/course/how-to-play-the-darbuka-drum/

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