Udemy Introduction to Piano Technique TUTORiAL (Updated 10/2020)

P2P | 22 October 2020 | 2.68 GB


This course is a 4 weeks program, dedicated to all those piano beginners that truly want to practice technique buy maybe after have tried many times, still do not know how to do it.

I am going to guide you step by step through 100% practical tutorials on what to practice each day of the program with all the details on how to do it aswell.

4 weeks = Very easy to follow exercises that will help you on developing a good technique.

What the exercises focused on?

?Good position
?Finger independence
?Sound control

So, do not wait any longer, enroll in this course today, every piano student needs to work on his technique even if this is a hobby for you or you are a 100% beginner. Take action an be part of the community.

About the instructor: Ilse Lozoya is a pianist, music teacher and online educator, currently teaching more than 80 courses in Udemy and more than 60,000 students are already enrolled in her courses.

What you'll learn

?Students will know exactly what to study in each day of the program.
?Students will understand the core elements of a good Piano Technique.
?Student will develop a system and a good technique routine.

官网: https://bit.ly/31rRpwH

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