English | MP4 | 1.51 GB
Have you always wanted to play guitar but felt overwhelmed and not sure where to start? Did you know that learning 4 easy chords can allow you to play thousands of songs? It's true! So many popular songs out there use the same chords over and over again. The goal of this course is to focus in on these chords and start playing songs you love as fast as possible!
Here's what you'll learn in this course:
The powerful Rule of 80/20 - it works in music and in life!
The essentials (the 20%) of getting to know your guitar
Learn how to read a chord chart and tune your guitar
The four chords (G, C, D and Em) - allowing you play thousands of songs
The benefits of using these 4 chords along with a guitar capo
Bonus embellishments you can use with these four chords to elevate your playing!
Practice the four chords with popular songs!
Are you ready to learn guitar and start playing songs as quickly as possible ? Join our class today!
Extract RAR5 archives
The majority of unpackers do not support the new RAR5 format. You will receive an error message when you try to open it, and there is usually no way to integrate it manually into the application to add support for it.
So, the only feasible option right now is to install Winrar 5.x on your system if you want to use a graphical user interface. Note that this is a trial version, and while it won't stop working after the trial runs out, it will nag you to upgrade the software.
官网: https://www.udemy.com/learn-4-chords-and-play-thousands-of-songs/