COMPRISED | April 01 2015| 2.41 GB
It doesn't matter if you've never even thought of learning how to freestyle rap or don't know how to begin rapping, as this step by step program unlocks the freestyle rapping skills you've always had inside of you.
Freestyle Rapping is the art of improvising lyrics on the spot. It will help you rap better, perform more confidently, and naturally write amazing rap lyrics.
Freestyle rapping can also help with songwriting for any genre of music, getting in a creative 'flow state', and public speaking.
This class will teach anyone how to freestyle rap within 7 minutes guaranteed.
Many rappers, entrepreneurs and creatives, feel that they need to be intoxicated with drugs and alcohol to be able to get in a creative flow state where million dollar ideas flow to them.
These simple steps will get you into this flow state in minutes without having to spend money on weed and 40's.