Udemy Learn Piano #4 - Predict chord progressions - Circle of 5th TUTORiAL (UPDATE)

P2P | 11 October 2020 | 266 MB


Here is a review from one of my students: Barbara

"I have lost track of how many courses I have taken with Rosa but my playing has improved and I am so excited to keep learning more & more with her. Each course goes deeper into what we need to know and makes playing beautiful music easier. Rosa has the God given gift of being a very gentle teacher. It's fun to learn with her and as you watch the videos it's almost as if she is in the room with you. If it is your goal to enjoy playing the piano let Rosa help you reach that goal. Thanks Rosa, we appreciate you."

Learn Piano Level 4 - Intermediate Level - Learn Musich Harmony Using Circle of 5ths to Predict Chords & Play by Ear to reharmonize Away In A Manger!

Learn my Piano Techniques & Piano Tips on Smooth Chord Voicing!

If ever you want to play by ear, this is the course you must take!

You are going to learn how to dynamically use the Circle of 5ths to harmonize a song.

Do you ever wonder how jazzy chord progressions are used in popular and standard songs? Find out their secrets in this course!

I will show you how to predict chord progressions using the Circle.

You will learn how to harmonize Away In A Manger at an advanced level using the 7th Chords in the CIrcle of 5ths.

You will learn play smooth chord voicing when using the jazzy chord progression 3-6-2-5-1 for the ending of songs!

Here's the Secret: In this course, I am going to show you something so unique that you will never find in music store, books or on the internet. You are going to create your own DIY Circle of 5ths to learn how to dynamically use the Circle of 5ths. You don't need years of music theory to do beautiful chord progressions at an advanced level.

We will cover the following topics as we apply to the song Away In A Manger:

1. Circle of 5ths Music Theory
2. Using the Circle of 5ths to add in minor7 Chords & Chord substitutions
3. Circle of 5ths Theory 1: 12 Unique Tones
4. Circle of 5ths Theory 2: Identifying Basic Chords - I IV V7
5. Circle of 5ths Theory 3: 7th Chords - ii7, iii7, vi7, V7
6. Circle of 5ths Theory 4: 7 Diatonic Chords at one glance
7. Circle of 5ths Theory 5: Counter clockwise movement to Home Key
8. Circle of 5ths Theory 6: Predict 3 Jazzy sounding chord progressions
9. Circle of 5ths Theory 7: Predict 2 - 5 - 1 chord progression (ii7 V7 I)
10. Circle of 5ths Theory 8: Predict 6 - 2 - 5 - 1 chord progression (vi7 ii7 V7 I)
11. Circle of 5ths Theory 9: Predict 3 - 6 - 2 - 5 - 1 chord progression (iii7 vi7 ii7 V7 I)
12. Listen to the jazzy sounds of these chord progressions
13. Song Application: Away In A Manger
14. Step 1: ii7 V7 I
15. Step 2: vi7 ii7 V7 I
16. Step 3: iii7 vi7 ii7 V7 I
17. Step 4: Combining Level 3 to Level 4
18. Circle Theory 10: Circle of 5ths cannot do all minor 7 chord substitutions
19. Smooth Chord Progression Ending: Em7 to Am7 To Dm7 to G7

Piano Secret Tip 1: DIY Circle of 5ths - Magic Circle to Move

Piano Secret Tip 2: Know WHEN you cannot substitute Em7 for C

Piano Secret Tip 3: 2 Finger Tricks to Smooth Chord Voicing for 3 6 2 5 1 Progression!

Join our happy class and let's have fun together,


What you'll learn

Understand how to use the Circle of 5ths
Understand how the tones in the CIrcles of 5ths are related to one another
How Chords move in the Circle of 5ths
How to predict Chord movement in the CIrcle of 5ths
How to harmonize the song Away in a manger using CIrcle of 5ths
Some Major Chord Theory regarding the CIrcle of 5ths
Have fun learning advanced music
Make a musical tool - DIY Circle of 5ths

官网: https://bit.ly/34QLimB

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