Udemy Making Music! Learn How To Compose Your Own Music TUTORiAL

P2P | 01 May 2024 | 1.07 GB


If you have always wanted to try making your own music, be it rock, pop, classical or jazz/blues, but not sure where to start or how? then this course is for you!

This set of lessons aims to teach music composition as well as basic music theory. Making for a great creative activity children, teenagers and adults of all ages can learn, by themselves or with family and friends.

Within these lessons I will cover how to set up and use the software flat io to make music compositions, as well as a step by step guide that teaches all aspects of composition, and how to layer them together based on what type of music you want to write.

Topics and key words such as music notation, rhythm, melody, texture, dynamics, harmony, chords, bassline, music structures, tempo, keys and instruments are also covered.

Students can follow the videos as much or as little as they like, as this class is all about creativity! and all compositions can be shared within the classroom (this being a great way to share ideas and create a community), or sent to me for feedback and further help, ensuring proper support and guidance as desired.

官网: https://www.udemy.com/course/making-music-learn-how-to-compose-your-own-music/

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