Udemy Master Blues Guitar TUTORiAL

P2P | 01 August 2024 | 2.28 GB


If you want to learn to play Blues Guitar, look no further You have found the ultimate course with EASY BLUES GUITAR DVD! Expert guitar instructor Marko Coconut starts you out with simple power chords, riffs, tricks and techniques that form the backbone of Blues Guitar.

Each lesson is introduced with thorough and descriptive instructions, followed by a slowed-down practice section which will insure that anyone, at any level, can play each exercise. These exercises are later combined to form complete Blues Songs. Each Blues Song and Blues Guitar Solo is presented at a slow, medium and fast tempo, allowing you to play along and build up your Blues Guitar Chops!


Easy, 1 Finger Traditional Blues Riffs and Turn Arounds

2 Finger Blues Scales and Chords

3 Finger Blues Chords and THE MILLION DOLLAR SCALE

4 Finger Intermediate Blues Guitar... With Complete Songs At Each Level!

What you'll learn:
?If you want to learn to play Blues Guitar, look no further You have found the ultimate course with MASTER BLUES GUITAR : The Ultimate Guide from Beginner to Pro
?Expert guitar instructor Marko Coconut starts you out with simple power chords, riffs, tricks and techniques that form the backbone of Blues Guitar.
?Each lesson is introduced with thorough and descriptive instructions, followed by a slowed-down practice section which will insure that anyone, at any level, ca
?These exercises are later combined to form complete Blues Songs. Each Blues Song and Blues Guitar Solo is presented at a slow, medium and fast tempo.

官网: https://www.udemy.com/course/master-blues-guitar/

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